Americas Next Top Model :: Season 2 :: Episode 6

(Information Copied From The UPN Website)


Episode 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

In learning to become more versatile in the entertainment industry this week, the girls were given acting lessons to help them open up emotionally. Some took the task to heart and gave it their all, while others never showed the vulnerability the judges were looking for. In the end, it was Catie , the 18-year-old wire stripper from Willmar, Minnesota, who was cut for not being ready to handle modeling.

Tyra Mail arrives early in the morning and Yoanna , the 23-year-old babysitter from Jacksonville, Florida, is the first to read it. She is ecstatic when she finds out that they will be doing a shoot in black and white. As the girls start to wake up, Camille , the 25-year-old student from Mamaroneck, New York, complains that her mouth has begun to swell up from an allergic reaction to something. "She's probably feeling self conscious," observes Mercedes , the 22-year-old waitress from Valencia, California.

The girls arrive at their photo shoot and are met by Jay Manuel , their art director. He tells them that their photo shoot today will be beauty shots. He lets them know that today it is all about the eyes. Bill Heuberger, their photographer for this shoot, tells them, "It is what's inside that makes you pretty, and if we can capture that then we're doing well." Jay lets Camille go last, hoping that the swelling in her lips will go down.

The photo shoot begins and April , the 23-year-old corporate business account manager from Miami Beach, Florida, begins to worry. "I need all the opportunities to convey some kind of personality I can," she frets. April is still hurting inside over the comment she received at the last judging that she had the best picture, but her personality needs work. She breaks down in tears in front of Mercedes, who tries to comfort her.

Catie, still adjusting to her short hair, decides that she is going to go back to her "plain Jane look" because it makes her the most comfortable. If the judges criticize her for it so be it. Camille still feels her lips are swollen when it is her turn. Jay says, "Give it to me in the eyes. Give it to me in your energy." In the end, Jay doesn't feel that Camille gave 100 percent.

After the photo shoot is over, Kyle Hagler, a manager at IMG Models, comes out and greets the girls. He explains that in today's market, more and more actresses are getting on the covers of magazines. Models need to be able to project, he says, and for that reason, they are going to acting class for the rest of the day! Camille is still worried about her lips and runs off to the drug store while the other girls head to acting class.

Once there, they are met by Tyra and acting coach Tasha Smith-Arqese. She tells the girls, "You need something going on on the inside in order to look into that camera and make people want you to sell their product." Tyra says goodbye and leaves the girls alone with Tasha. She tells them that today they are going to have work on being open and honest.

Their first task up is…dealing with rejection. Tasha hands each of the girls a blank sheet of paper and tells them to visualize that the paper is a "Dear John" letter from a person who they feel rejected them. Most of the girls break down in tears. She tells them to rip up the letter and remember that feeling they feel at that moment. They are going to be able to use that feeling to convey emotion.

Camille wanders in after being at the doctor. She doesn't know exactly what is going on because everyone is in tears and being very quiet. The girls get up in pairs on stage and have to pretend that their partner is the person that rejected them and let it all out. Sara , the 22-year-old hostess from Seattle, Washington, lets out her feelings for her dad whom doesn't approve of her modeling. Every girl is in tears getting all of their feelings off their chests. "I didn't know we would be getting this heavy on the first day," Mercedes imparts. All of the girls on stage and in the audience are bawling their eyes out except for Camille.

Camille is the only one not affected by the raw emotion spilling out on stage. When it is her turn to let it all out, Camille says to Tasha that she isn't angry with anyone. After prying a little deeper, Camille admits she is angry with Yoanna. "This is your opportunity to just be honest," Tasha tries to impart to Camille. "You are sucking right now!" Tasha screams. She feels like Camille "has a perfect mask on" and won't go any deeper.

The girls are given their assignment for the next day. They are to take a scene and make it their own by using some of the emotions they brought out today. Camille is worried that this might be her downfall.

That night the girls go back to the apartment and start to go over the script. Some, like Shandi , the 21-year-old Walgreen's clerk from Kansas City, Missouri, think the script is "cheesy," while April dives right in, memorizing and studying it. She understands how the lessons that she learned that day in acting class are going to help her show her personality on stage.

The next day the girls are taken to a theatre where Tasha will judge them on their acting chops. The winner gets a shopping spree at a New York jeweler. To read with them on stage is "As The World Turns" star, Mark Collier. Shandi becomes visibly giddy when he walks on stage.

The scene is about a woman who thinks her husband is dead, so she moves on, only to have him reappear. April is up first, and Mark thinks April did a great job. He believed in her eyes that she was being truthful to the situation. Shandi shows an openness in her eyes and a connection. Mark feels that Catie shows everything but doesn't feel anything. Catie readily admits she was "half-assing" it.

Camille gets up on stage and Mark immediately notices that she has taken the liberty of changing some of the lines. She says she did this to inject some of Camille and who she is into the script. Tasha has a befuddled look on her face every time Camille starts to awkwardly stray from the script.

The script calls for a passionate kiss at the end. To a bunch of girls who have been living with a bunch of girls, there is no holding back. Passionate to Shandi is all tongue. Yoanna gets up on Mark. Catie, who has a boyfriend, holds back and basically softly kisses him. Tasha thinks she copped out. "It is about winning!" she says. After an intense scene in which her dead husband has just returned and confessed his love to her, Camille showers him with a warm, passionate, heart-felt hug.

When the scene with Camille is over, Tasha wonders if she learned anything from her class. Tasha didn't believe anything that Camille did on stage. In private Camille says that she can respect Tasha's opinion, but in the end she has to realize that people are different.

The girls are brought back in for their critiques. Out of all the girls, Mark and Tasha thought Shandi and April did great jobs, but in the end there can only be one winner. April is chosen as the winner and she is delighted to finally get some great feedback. April picks Catie to go with her on her shopping spree at H. Stern.


That night Tyra Mail arrives and informs the girls that they will be leaving at 6am the next morning to see "who will fight the best fight to be AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL." The girls are puzzled by what this could mean and hit the sack to get ready for an early morning.

The next day they are taken to a stage where they are told that they will be in a commercial for Rollitos Chips, directed by James Gay. The idea is that "you girls are in a rough and tumble aerial cat fight to become AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL, but you are fighting like there is only one bag of chips left," Jay tells them. Catie is upset about having to do aerial stuff again after the intense shoot three weeks ago in which she was suspended in the air.

Once the shoot starts, April gets great comments on her commitment to play the part, as does Camille. Camille thinks she will do great in this commercial because she doesn't have to cry. Catie is still petrified of heights, and Jay doesn't think he got a shot of Catie in the air.

It is time to move on to the acting part of the commercial where they have to sell the product. Camille does her part with an accent that baffles the director a little bit. One take is a little British and the next take is Cuban. "Who said I couldn't act, huh?" Camille says, right after her shoot.

Judgment day arrives. The girls are brought before the panel of judges. They are Janice Dickinson, Eric Nicholson, Nigel Barker and guest judge Kyle Hagler. This week, the girls are going to be judged on how much they learned about acting and how well they did in their photo shoot. Before they are judged, Tyra lets their commercial play! All the girls are amazed, smiling at the final product.

For their test this week, Tasha is going to see how well they take direction. Each girl is given the line "I've never wanted anything more than this, and if I don't get it I am going to die," and will be directed to deliver it in different ways. When Camille is told to deliver the line sexually, the judges don't buy it, especially when she does a little runway walk at the end. "It was like a drag queen runway in Harlem," Kyle tells her.

When Shandi is told to deliver the line to make the judges laugh, Nigel doesn't even crack a smile. Instead, he says he wanted to cry. April shines again and makes the judges laugh. Yoanna doesn't make the judges laugh with her delivery of the line, but when Janice asks her to "convince me that you are funny," Yoanna moons the judges. Janice and the rest of the judges howl with laughter.

Each girl is then shown her picture from the black and white photo shoot. The judges think Yoanna's picture is "gorgeous." Shandi's picture is very bland to Nigel. After being complimented on her acting skills and her re-emerging smile, April is told her picture looks very androgynous, which "is a great thing in modeling," says Tyra. Mercedes' picture blows away the judges, and Kyle thinks she is looking just at him in the picture. Camille is told that her picture looks like an actor's headshot and doesn't show enough neck. Sara is told that her eyes look just "nice," and Kyle tells her that she is much prettier in person than she is in the picture. Eric tells Catie that she looks like a "scared guppy" in her photo. Janice thinks she looks like a "child prostitute" in her picture.

The judges think that April and Sara both did great in the acting test. Tyra thinks that Shandi is the only girl in the competition who can do high fashion and Janice equates her to a Paris Hilton wannabe. Once again, Yoanna gets high marks on her face but low marks on her body. Mercedes' personality is winning over the judges. Kyle feels that Catie doesn't have that extra "oomph," while Eric thinks she is very "girl next door," and AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL should be "the girl way down the street." When it comes to Camille, Janice says she doesn't want to work with someone who "knows everything." Kyle thinks that Camille's drive will take her far.

The girls are brought back in to meet their fates. Tyra has six pictures for seven girls. April is given her picture first and told to keep doing what she is doing because her effort is showing. Yoanna, Mercedes, Shandi and Sara are all given their pictures, leaving Camille and Catie.

Tyra tells Catie that the judges feel she is sometimes a little too commercial and a little too safe. They worry that she might not be emotionally ready for the "dog eat dog" world of modeling. Camille is told that she didn't open up at all this week and working in the entertainment industry is about vulnerability. "No one wants a cold ass model on the set," Tyra tells her. With that, Tyra hands Camille her picture and Catie is sent packing with tears in her eyes.

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