October Lesson
Scott Sherman - 11.24.2002

From beneath a cloudy sky,
All is gray and dim;
But when I rose above the clouds,
I discovered that the beauty had never left me.
The simple scene of spectacular sunset
Soothed my aching heart
And I learned that only
Dwelling in despair
Keeps happiness from sight.
It takes thousands of raindrops
To darken a day,
But only one ray of sunshine
To brighten the soul,
Uplift the heart
And clear the mind.


Information About This Piece:
  At our school, we have a Fall Break from classes in mid-October. The information for "Earthquakes in Amber" mentions the relationship I had been in for much of 2002. The two of us (in the relationship) had been looking forward to October for several months because I was to fly to her school and live with her for a week. While I was there, the relationship was brought to a close. Even after a hellish series of events including a "kidnapping," nightmares, term papers, and more, I was not ready to leave her at the end of the week. While I waited in the plane for takeoff, the weather was dreary: darkness, thunder and rain; perfectly fitting my mood. Combine my emotions with the weather and the fact that I would not see any of these friends again for months, maybe years, and I was not doing well. However, when the plane lifted above the cloud line, I was treated to the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. I knew then that life could be far worse, and I should treasure what I was given, rather than bemoan what was lost.

Any comments? E-mail me!

Earthquakes in Amber
A Little Groove
Young Women Are Made Of:
October Lesson
Tell Me
Unfinished, Untitled