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Activities 2005-2006
Previous Activities
News and Articles from the Faculty
VASA Drinks/Borrel
When announced: at 8PM at the
Atrium Cafe next to the Oudemanhuispoort
Upcoming activity:
The Annual VASA Bowling Tournament 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006, from 8pm on
at Knijn Bowling in Amsterdam

To sign up, please send an email to until March 27, 2006
General Info
Board Members
Who We Are, And What We Do.
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American Studies in the Netherlands
Faculty of American Studies at UvA
Contact Information
UvA Studentennieuws
" Bush koppelt Kerry aan homohuwelijk" Read the NOS interview with our own Prof. Dr. Ruud Janssens
(March 2, 2004)
Our former secretary Jur Kous is in Jersey City, New Jersey this year.
Read his column on the 2004 US Elections.
Movie Showings
Metropolitan America Excursion Reports and Pictures

American Headlines
U.N. Atomic Agency Says Iran Wants to Expand Uranium Program
In California, New Kind of Commune for Elderly
Bush Policies Are Weakening National Guard, Governors Say
German Intelligence Gave U.S. Iraqi Defense Plan, Report Says
New York: A Documentary Film
by Ric Burns
Wednesdays, March 22, April 5, and April 12, 2006
All start at 7pm in PC Hoofthuis, room 508
More info on the exact content of these showings
Double Indemnity (1944)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
7-9pm, PC Hoofthuis 508
Official Website of the Student Council of the American Studies Dept. at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands