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Rurouni Kenshin is full of amazing and lovable characters.  In this section of the site, you'll get to learn more about the characters of Rurouni Kenshin.  Enjoy!
Name:  Makoto Shishio

Other names:  Wrapped one

Words to know:  Wants domination, crazy, mummy

Description:  Perhaps Kenshin's greatest rival, Shishio was the Battousai's successor.  By that I mean that he took over Kenshin's place when he quit being an assassin.  He appeared in the end of the Betrayal OVA if you didn't notice.  Anyway, Kenshin never even saw him, up until episode 36 in the series.  His past was a bit confusing.  Once he took over Kenshin's job, he realized that he wanted more, specifically taking over Japan.  After the government officials realized this, they decided to burn him to death in the Boshin Wars.  Ever after that, Shishio refused to die.  However, his burns were so bad that all his sweat glands burned away.  That means that, instead of sweating, all that heat stays in his body, and that's extremely unhealthy.  This makes him impossible to fight for more than 15 minutes at a time, and that's why he never fought Kenshin until the very end.  His life ended in that battle by his burns.  He was so powerful that it took Kenshin, Saito, Aoshi, and Sanosuke to take him down.  However, I believe that Kenshin probably could've taken him down on his own if it weren't for the 2 previous battles he had with Aoshi and Soujiro in a row.
Name:  Anji Yukyuzan

Other names:  None
Words to know:  Angry, Priest, Strong, Metamorphisis

Description:  Anji, like most other characters in RK, have a dark and sad past.  He was originally a monk who watched over 4 children.  Along with those children, there was a girl who he had fallen in love with, and vice versa.  He always was a peaceful monk, until the village in which he lived burned down his temple while he was away.  Unfortunately, the children and girl were in the temple at the time, and were killed.  Anji arrived, and was knocked out by one of the villagers.  By the time he woke up, the fire settled, but found out about his loved ones dying.  Ever since then, he has hated the government, and wanted to destroy it, and eventually joined the Juppon Gatana.  After his priest ways, he became a strong fighter and developed the Futae No Kiwami,(see fighting techniques section).  The only way he was transformed back into a good guy again was from being defeated by Sanosuke Sagara, whom he taught the technique to.  Sano showed him something that made him revert back, and his salvation was renewed.