Have you ever been confused by a term in Rurouni Kenshin?  Trust me, you have been.  Well this page helps you out with that?  Here are the many terms you will read, see, or hear in the series of Ruruoni Kenshin.
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-kun - Honoriffic.  Used in the modern day among male students, or those who grew up together, but another usage--the one you're more likely to find in Rurouni Kenshin--is the "superior-to-inferior" form, intended as a way to emphasize a difference in status or rank, as well as to indicate familiarity or affection

Kyoto - Home of the Emperor and imperial court from A.D. 794 until shortly after the Meiji Restoration in 1868

loyalists - Those who supported the return of the Emperor to power; Ishin Shishi

Meiji Restoration - 1853-1868; culminated in the collapse of the Tokugawa Bakufu and the restoration of imperial rule.  So called after Emperor Meiji, whose chosen name was written with the characters for "culture and enlightenment"

ohagi - Traditional Japanese autumnal treat.  Named after "hagi," bush clover, which flowers in the fall.  Said to be especially delicious with matcha or green tea

okashira - Literally, "the head"; i.e., leader, boss

oniwabanshu - Elite group of onmitsu or "spies" of the Edo period, now known as "ninja" or "shinobi"

patriots - Another term for Ishin Shishi...and when used by Sano, not a flattering one

rurouni - Wanderer, vagabond

sakabato - Reversed-edge sword (the dull edge on the side the sharp should be, and vice-versa); carried by Kenshin as a symbol of his resolution never to kill again

-san - Honoriffic.  Carries the meaning of "Mr.," "Ms.," "Miss," etc., but used more extensively in Japanese than its English equivalent (note that even an enemy may be addressed as "-san")

satsujin-ken - "Swords that give death"; styles of swordsmanship rejected by Kaoru's father

Seinan War - 1877 uprising of the samurai classes against the new Meiji government, ending in defeat by the government army.  Also known as the "Satsuma Rebellion"

Sheisu, Hanaoka - Real-world Japanese physician (1760-1835) whose use of "tsusensan" in 1805 during an operation for breast cancer pioneered the use of surgical anesthesia

Sekiho Army - Military unit (formed mainly of civilians) who, believing in the cause of the Emperor's restoration to power, were eventually turned upon by those same pro-Imperialist forces and declared traitors

sensei - Teacher; master

Shinsengumi - Elite, notorious, government-sanctioned and exceptionally skilled swordsman-supporters of the military government (Bakufu) which had ruled Japan for nearly 250 years, the Shinsengumi ("newly selected corps") were established in 1863 to suppress the loyalists and restore law and order to the blood-soaked streets of the imperial capital (see Kyoto)

shogi - Strategic Japanese board game.  Often referred to as "Japanese chess"

shogun - Feudal military ruler of Japan

shogunate - See Tokugawa Bakufu

suntetsu - Small, handheld blade, designed for palming and concealment