Have you ever been confused by a term in Rurouni Kenshin?  Trust me, you have been.  Well this page helps you out with that?  Here are the many terms you will read, see, or hear in the series of Ruruoni Kenshin.
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Tokugawa Bakufu - Military feudal government which dominated Japan from 1603 ro 1867

Tokugawa Yoshinobu - 15th and last shogun of Japan.  His peaceful abdication in 1867 marked the end of the Bakufu and beginning of Meiji

Tokyo - The renaming of "Edo" to "Tokyo is a marker of the start of the Meiji Restoration

Toba Fishimi, Battle at - Battle near Kyoto between the forces of the new, imperial government and the fallen shogunate.  Ending with an imperial victory, it was the first battle of the Boshin War

Yamagata Aritomo - (1838-1922) Soldier and statesman, chief founder of the modern Japanese army.  A samurai of Choshu, he studied military science in Europe and returned to Japan in 1870 to head the war ministry

zanbato - Sanosuke's huge, oversized sword, destroyed during the battle with Kenshin