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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Maryan Fullmore, space Catherine Galway,

Colour code Here before 1840, Here in 40 Here in 41 Here in 42 Here after 42
George Gabb, wed Catherine Gross 1842 #736 Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
George Gabb, letter at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 2 Jan 1844
George Gabb, letter at Geelong Post Office 26 Feb 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 26 Feb 1844
George Gabb, Portland Bay District depasturing license for 1-30 Sept 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 15 Nov 1844
Joseph Gable, List No 9, 30 Sep letter to be collected from Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 1 Oct 1844
Mr Gabney arrived 20 Aug 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip, on the Paul Pry
James Gadd aged 18 came Sep 1847 with 306 on the Joseph Somes
Jane Gaddis 20 single woman General servant Prot reads Armagh to MrConnell, Royal Hotel MrConnell, Royal Hotel arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Jane Gaddis wed Henry Aaron Smith in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Henry Gaff, died 26 male Melbourne 1842 #38421 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
John Gaffney 20, 28 m, Labourer, Co Canarvon, RC, came Jul 1840 on the Theresa
John Gaffney, male wed Bridget Maher 1842 #35520 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
John Gaffney and Bridget Maher baptised Cath 1843, Mary Anne 1845, Ellen 1847
Directory 1847 farmer, Merri Creek
Mary Gaffney 19, s, House maid, Canarvon, RC arrived 18 Jul 1840 from London on the Theresa
Mary Gafney, No 8, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 10 Sep 1845
Robert Gage wed Jane Mckebery in 1846 at Presbyterian Portland
Helen Gaggie wed Joseph Thair in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Catherine Gagnor 17, 26 g, Housemaid Tipperary Prot reads, came Dec 1840 on the Orient
George Gain Convict came 1838 on the Lady Lynedoch assigned to H Briggs
Dr Gain departed Sydney 18 Apr 1841 and arrived 27 Apr 1841 at Melbourne from Sydney, on the Australasian Packet
Dr Gain departed 8 May 1841 and Arrived 12 May from Port Phillip on 8 May, on the Australasian Packet
Mr Gaine, Steerage arrived 30 Sep 1842 from London 7 June on the Aden
Thomas Gainge and Margaret Robinson baptised Susan Eliza 1840, Robert John 1840, Jemima Susannah 1843, Keziah Frances 1847
Richard Gainger and Caroline baptised Elizabeth 1843, John 1846
John Gaitskill 24 (7 single man) Labourer RC both Cumberland, came 28 Nov 1841 on the Frances
John Galahan 25 hus (17 family) Farm servant RC neither Kilkenny, came 30 Sep 1841 on the Middlesex
Mary Galahan 21 wife of John (17 family) Farm servant RC neither Kilkenny, came 30 Sep 1841 on the Middlesex
Mary Galban 24 (19 single woman) Dressmaker Prot both Galway, came 1 Mar 1841 on the Argyle
John Galbraith 30 (12 single man) Carpenter Prot Both Gibralter, came 27 Dec 1841 on the Alexander
John Galbraith, wed Mary Marrs 1842 #642 Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Rose Galbraith 17 (20 single woman) Nurse Prot reads Rossmonon, came 27 Dec 1841 on the Alexander
William Galbraith, House Lane off Little Collins St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in Lonsdale Ward
William Galbraith, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
William Galbraith, a Burgess in Lonsdale Ward voted for John Joseph Fawkner who won the seat. Source - Port Phillip Herald 12 Aug 1845
William Galbraith Directory 1847 carpenter, off Collins lane
WH Galdwyn 4 Convicts assigned him to are John Clarke came 1837 on the John, Joseph Hait came 1837 on the John, William Boyd came 1837 on the John, William Jerricott came 1837 on the John
Edward Gale 2nd Mate (4 on list), came 3 Oct 1841 on the Agricola
Richard Gale 27 hus (14 family) Labourer Prot both Devonshire, came 23 July 1841 on the George Fyffe
Anne Gale 22 wife of Richard (14 family) House Keeper Prot both Devonshire, came 23 July 1841 on the George Fyffe
Richard Gale, and Ann baptised Henry Amory at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Collwood 1842 # 13052
Richard Gale and Ann baptised Edwin 1843, William Henry 1845, Sophia 1847
Directory 1847 farmer, Heidelberg
Sarah Gale 17 (17 single woman) General Servant Prot both Liverpool, came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
Sarah Gale Directory 1847 schoolmistress, Richmomd
William Gale wed Ann Smith in 1840 at Church Of England St James, Melbourne
William Gale, died 36 male Newtown 1842 #3740 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
James Galepsy - see Gillespie
Mr Gales ( Steerage) arrived 5 May 1841 on the Jupiter
Michael Galey 27 (23 single man) Labourer RC neither Co Clare, came 27 Aug 1841 on the William Metcalfe
John Galgey wed Mary Beaumont in 1847 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Catherine Gaul, 17, House servant, Prot reads Dumbarton, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Catherine Gall wed Hugh Currie in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
James Hall Gaull died 1845 Male aged 29 at Melbourne
James Hall Gaull, late of Melbourne deceased intestate, estate placed in charge of Deputy Registrar James Denham Pinnock, for collection. Source - Melbourne Courier 1 Oct 1845
James Gaull and Maria Roach baptised Mary James 1847
Jane Gaul, 16, House servant, Prot reads Dumbarton, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Jane Gall wed Henry Walkerden in 1847 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
John Gall Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Robert Gall, hus of Margaret 39, Sawyer, Prot both Dunbartenshire, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Margaret Gall, wife of Robert 38, Housekeeper, Prot reads Argyleshire, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Peter Gall, 12, and John Gall, 10, sons of Robert, Prot reads Argyleshire, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
See Robert Gallwed 23 Oct 1819 to Margaret Fletcher in Cardross, Scotland.
They were joined by their eldest daughter who wed James Govan in 1855, James Govan, his wife Margaret and their four children, James (4), Robert, David and Margaret Fletcher embarked on the `Brilliant' from London for Australia, a 558 ton ship.
Robert Gale, Licensed to cut timber at County of Bourke Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Robert Gall Directory 1847 sawyer, off Bourke lane, Page 197 Letters at Office, 30th June
Catherine Gallagher, female wed George Guest 1842 #4508 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
Edmund Gallagher 38 hus - servant to Wigmore (14 family) Labourer Prot both Yorkshire, came 23 Feb 1841 on the Georgiana
Eliza Gallagher 35 wife of Edmund (14 family) Servant Prot both Yorkshire, came 23 Feb 1841 on the Georgiana
Francis Gallagher 15 son of Edmund (14 family) Prot both Yorkshire c, came 23 Feb 1841 on the Georgiana
John Gallagher, died 43 male Melbourne 1842 #38399 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Margaret Gallagher wed Thomas Harrison in 1841 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong
Mary Gallogher 15 dau of Neil (13 single woman) House Maid Prot Reads Donegal, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
Michael Gallagher, 22, single man, List no. 76, Labourer, RC both, Clare, arrived 28 Mar 1841 fron London on the Neptune
Michael Gallagher wed Anne Mathews in 1844 at Roman Catholic St Francis Melbourne baptised Mary 1845, Margaret 1847
Michael Gallagher Inspector Of General Market Of The Corporation
Murcus Gallagher 28, 6 m, Shepherd, ?, RC, came Jul 1840 on the Theresa
Neal Gallagher 39 hus (27 family) Labourer RC Reads Co. Donegal, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
Susan Gallagher 38 wife of Neil (27 family) House Keeper RC Reads Co. Donegal, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
William Gallagher 13, Jane Gallagher 10, and Neal Gallagher 8 and Catherine Gallagher 2 dau of Neil (27 family) Prot Rathoe, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
Neil Galloghen, letter to be collected from Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 6 Feb 1844
Patrick Gallagher 21, 9 m, Labourer Co Louth RC doubtful, came May 1840 on the China
Patrick Gallagher 28 hus (25 family) Labourer RC neither Donegall, came 17 July 1841 on the England
Biddy Gallagher 29 wife of Patrick (25 family) House Keeper RC neither Donegall, came 17 July 1841 on the England
Patrick Gallagher, and Bridget Mike baptised male John at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 # 244
Patrick Gallagher and Biddy baptised Anne 1844, Catherine 1845
Bridget Gillagly, died 1 female Melbourne 1842 #119 Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong
Patrick Gollogho 26 (13 single man) Smith RC Both Co Rosewarren, came 27 Dec 1841 on the Alexander
Patrick Gallagher labourer, Cheetham's lane
Robert Gallagher 29 hus (28 family) Labourer Prot Both Rathoe, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
Isabella Gallagher 24 wife of Robert (28 family) House Keeper Prot Both Rathoe, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
Robert Galaher, Shop and house Collins St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in La Trobe Ward
Robert Gallagher and Isabella baptised Margaret 1841, Lucenda 1843, Isabella Jane 1845, Ellen 1847
Directory 1847 baker, Collins street
Timothy Golloghor 34 hus (9 family) Blacksmith RC both Cork, came 7 Oct 1841 on the Intrinsic
Mary Golloghor 32 wife of Timothy (9 family) House maid RC both Cork, came 7 Oct 1841 on the Intrinsic
Mary Golloghor 10, Catherine Golloghor 8 and Ellen Golloghor 4 dau of Timothy (9 family) RC Cork, came 7 Oct 1841 on the Intrinsic
William Gallagher Directory 1847 shoemaker
Annabella Gallass 30 (16 single woman) Dairy maid Prot reads Argyleshire, came 26 Jul 1841 on the Brilliant
Anna Maria Gallie wed Edward Henty in 1840 at Church Of England St James, Melbourne Letter at Post-office unclaimed, 7 April 1847
Mrs Gallie, and Miss Gallie cabin 13 Dec 1842 from Plymouth on the Glenswilly
John Gallivan 24 (12 single man) Farm Servant RC both Kilkenny, came 23 July 1841 on the George Fyffe
John Galloway aged 33 came Nov 1846 with 334 on the Maitland
Mr Galloway Cabin (8 on list), came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Michael Gallwey Page 32 letters at Post Office, 3 Feb 1847
Ann Gullsworthy/Gallsworthy, 23 single woman Bounty immigrant arrived 26 Feb 1842 from Plymouth on the Himalaya
John Galsworthy 24 (27 single man) Labourer Prot reads Devonshire, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
John Galsworthy wed Ann Hill in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne baptised John 1847
Directory 1847 farmer, Merri Creek
William Galt 22 (19 single man) Labourer Prot both Colerain, came 30 Nov 1841 on the Marquis Of Bute
Esther Hackett Galven wed Robert Wilson in 1847 at Presbyterian Geelong
Margret Galven wed Thomas Junott Lecky in 1847 at Presbyterian Geelong
Mary Hackett Galven wed Peter Mason in 1841 at Methodist / Wesleyan Melbourne
Cornelius Galvin, male wed Elizabeth Roach 1842 #35464 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Cornielius Galvin wed Elizabeth Roach/Sarsfield baptised Cath 1843, John 1844, Elizabeth 1846, Corneilius 1847
Margaret Galvin aged 19 came Apr 1844 with 257 on the Sea Queen
© Say thanks to space Maryan Fullmore, space Catherine Galway,

Pioneer families in Victoria Australia
England - Tetbury around 1735
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