Surducan Vasile's web page                                                  last update: september 2001
 current page:

about me
my daughter's paintings 
electronics :
Two bit, simple volume control using FET
8bit ISA-bus expansion card (8255, 8253)
10 GHz radar detector
Low power, high eficiency bulb
PIC16F84, PIC16F877 applications
12 bit ISA-bus AD converter
C520 digital thermometer\thermostat
4 channel, car digital  thermometer
cool links
romanian mountains
These are some of my electronic projects and some 
schematics uploaded by reverse engineering. Some 
are old, but all are full functional and enough documented...
If you found something interesting here, please let me know.
You can use everything from here ABSOLUTELY  FREE 
However, a nice postal card from you, a mail message or
some exotic electronic chips as a gift, will be accepted with

Daca vre-un proiect de pe aceasta pagina foloseste cuiva
pentru a nu reinventa apa calda... munca mea nu a fost in zadar, 
daca nu ...sorry for you.

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