Political Stuff

"When a President lies to the American people,
he needs to resign."

           - William Jefferson Clinton, 1974.

"The Brady law has been in effect for three years now. In that time, the Federal government has prosecuted seven people, and convicted three of them. The President has entertained more felons than that at Whitehouse fundraisers, for Pete's sake."

- Charlton Heston, on Meet The Press, 5/18/97 (during the Clinton Administration)

Aw Jeez, we have a new president and the Clinton stuff is over till Chillary runs for President in 2008, if she runs earlier she lied to New York! (remember she said she would not leave her 6yr term if elected in 2000!) But, then again she knows terroism first hand, who cares that she was booed at Madison Square Garden! == okay I am not being fair. The political arena is destined to allow people to think fantasy is real! If you say something in the political arena, make sure you make "everyone feel good" -- we don't want any one's feelings to be hurt and we don't want to make people be accountable for their actions...heaven forbid! Enjoy -- be real, be true, always and at all cost! Life would not be worth living if you never tried to be something better than you thought you could be!!!

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permenantly by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."

- Abraham Lincoln -

**mostly conservative sites...liberals beware! **

  • The Michael Reagan Radio Show--get the facts and find the links to help connect
    you to the conservative side of governemnt!

  • Official Rush Limbaugh Home page

  • Rush (unofficial)--to all you 'ditto heads' check out this unofficial Rush site.

  • Ring of Conservative Sites = homepage
    I am not a member..this is just listed for informational purposes.

  • Rush's 35 Undeniable Truths!!

  • The Washington Times Newspaper
    I would list the Washington Post, but......

  • U.S. Senate Email Listings Get involved...email your senators..stay informed....Your Senators work for YOU! Make them accountable.

  • The Drudge - att Drudge

  • American's With No Abilities Act(this is pretty funny - satirical tongue 'n cheek)

  • Dr. Laura's Home page
    --need a dose of conservative morality???

  • A few thoughts -( if you aren't bored by now...)

    -The opinions of one person should not be imposed on the rights and opinions of many.

    -Personal responsibility is a lost concept...nobody is responsible for their behavior or their deeds.

    -Schools do not raise children, parents do.

    -If you are a moral person, don't tell anyone you could cause a riot! (keep it up..be moral remember manners, nobody else does!)

    -If you steel a penny, it's no big deal, after all it's only a penny! (wrong answer)

    -Big government is not necessarily good government.

    -You don't need a law for everything

    -If you treat people like they are dumb, they will act dumb
    -Social Security is a benefit, not a right. It was only designed to supplement existing retirement plans not to support existance.

    - When social security was set up, 7 people paid into the pot to support 1 person, now it is only 1 to 1

    -It takes a little over one year after retirement for an individual to draw out exactly how much social security was paid in during a lifetime, yet you can draw on the plan till you die.

    -You shouldn't be able to get something for nothing, even if you think you have nothing.

    -Government was not designed to take care of people on an individual level, but to maintain peace and create a sense of ordered chaos.

    -Laissez Faire is a cool expression.

    The U.S. is still a land of opportunity, a place where dreams can come true. We are afforded a multitude of freedoms that are protected by our Constitution,yet we sometimes forget to count our blessings and take for granted how fortunate we really are.

    We ARE lucky!
    Many people in other countries do not have some of the simplest of basic rights and are subjugated to intense governmental influences in their every day lives.
    It is because of our democratic style of government that makes our Nation great and draws thousands of immigrants to our shores every year. Yet, this great political system of ours fosters complacency in many Americans, for whatever reasons.

    September 11, 2001 was a wake-up call to all of us. If we as Americans, not African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latino-Americans...etc. etc. don't realize that we are ALL AMERICANS our life-style will be lost forever. We have a choice, to keep dividing ourselves by labels or to join as one people, one nation, under (whatever God or no god that you chose), indivisible with justice and liberty for all!
    I grew up during bussing, I grew up during de-seggregation and I find it reprehesnsible that my "minority" colleagues will still claim discrimination in 2002. I find it appauling that I as a "minority" (as defined in the civil rights act) work my butt off and work for what I know I can achieve while others will sit back and say oh well I don't feel like doing this or that and I won't get the promotion because I am ________________(fill in the blank). Then call foul! Everything I have gotten in life I have worked for! Nothing is beyond reach, if you believe you can get it!
    Discrimination exists, don't get me wrong, but as humans you have a choice, always a choice, to change your circumstances. If you don't like what is going on, fix it! If you don't it's only your own fault, don't cry foul! This excuse is old and is out of date.
    If you want something bad enough earn it, don't force someone to give it to you. It makes you a coward.

    Always remember to vote!!!

    One vote, CAN and always will make a difference, even if it doesn't seem like it. In 1996, the 50% of the voting population had voted in the election that did not, we may have had a different President then.
    If everyone that had been eligible to vote in the 2000 election had voted we wouldn't have had to worry about Florida. Don't listen to polls, don't vote for parties..vote your conscience..if you don't you have failed the system that supports your existance. The "right" to vote shouldn't be ignored and should be exercised when ever the occassion arises. In some countries, citizens can not vote and do not even have a say so in how their government even runs don't give up one of your basic freedoms just because you are too busy to care.

    If you don't vote, don't bitch!

    Even if a law goes into effect that is in your opinion idiotic, a note/phone call/e-mail to your senators or congressional representatives can help to enact a change.

    If a legislator gets a letter about an issue, do you realize that your legislator counts your voice x 100. Imagine if only one person wrote a letter, that letter represents 100 people, if two people write a letter, 200 people..and so on.

    Don’t be an ostrich, pay attention to what is going on. Your Kids, or your Future Kids will benefit.

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