Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Pets C7

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Pepper - C3 and C4

Nutmeg - C5 and C6

Oregano - C7 and C8

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About Oregano
HOMEFRONT - Oregano was our third kitten. He was named by naming off various spices, in order to keep with that theme. Oregano seemed to be the neatest name for a cat. His nickname is Reg. He is black, except for a small spray of white fur at the base of his neck. He has a bad eye, the left one, and he has a broken tail. We got him when he was about three weeks old, way too young to be taken from his mother, but we didn't know that at the time.
He is not very agile. I don't know if it's because of his crooked tail, or his bad eye, but he takes a lot of time jumping small distances. He does not jump from one piece of furniture to another, like
Pepper does. If he can't climb up onto the furniture, or get on it with a small, calculated jump, he doesn't get on it at all. He spends most of his time in the bathroom, lying on the floor by the door. He likes to jump up the doorjam, and that's the most jumping he does. Sometimes he'll get a running start by running down the hallway a step or two and then jumps up the doorjam, but usually he sits in front of the doorjam, looks up it intently, then springs. He can jump straight up about five feet, but only right there. He can't jump up three feet to get on top of a table.
The time that Oregano spends with me is mostly in the bathroom. While I'm in there,
Portrait of Oregano
Oregano was the third kitten to join us.

he'll walk in and want to be petted and played with. Any other time, he is content to be by himself, but if he wants any attention, he'll walk up to us and meow. If we don't acknowledge him, he'll meow again.
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