
~Church Information~
~Want to Know Jesus?
The Romans Road~


~Secret Sisters~
~Angel Acts~
~Tuesday Morning Study~
~Retreat Info~

~Fruit of the Spirit~
~Women of the Bible~
~God's Promises~
~Seek God First~
~The Vine~

~Storms of Life~
~I Have~
~Letter to my Father~
~Serenity Prayer~
~Spiritual Vitamins~
~I Refuse~

~Recovery Groups~
~Regret City~
~The PMS House~
~Trena's Testimony~
~Robin's Testimony~

~Happy New Year~
~Love Is~
~Irish Blessings~
~Spring Blessings~
~Mother's Day~
~Daddy's Day~
~Country Fathers~

-*-Past Events-*-

Christmas Tea 2000
~Spring Tea~

Retreat 2001
Retreat 2002
Retreat 2003

Graphics courtesy of:

~Verse of the day~

Women's Fun and Fellowship
Meets the 4th Monday of the Month

~2006 Events~

Monthly fellowships meet at the Church 6:30-8:30
Childcare is avaiable

Januray 23---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
February 4---Women's Outing, movie and lunch, TBA
Feburary 27---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
March 11---Craft Day 11-1
March 27---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
April 1--- Women's outing to OC swap meet.
April 24--Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
May 12,13---Special Event with Rita Springer
-------------Friday Evening and Saturday all day.
June 27---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
July 14 Summer Splash Party 6-10
July 23---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
August 28 ---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
September 25---Worship,Study,Fellowship and Snacks
October 14---Harvest Luncehon 11-2:30
October 23---- Worship,Study,Fellowshipand Snacks
November 3-5---Retreat, Pine Crest Conference Center
December 11--Christmas party and potluck

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength
that He considered me faithful, appoining me to His service
1 Timothy 1:12

Content Copyright © WINGS 2001, layout by Susan
Graphic copyright to graphic artist listed.
Please visit the site to read the terms of use
and you ]can get the graphics you need for your site.
Thank you and God bless you!
Graphics courtesy of Helena at:

Scripts by Dynamic Drive