words and pictures together

promotional Web content | press releases | banner ads | concepts | e-books | Google adwords | online newsletters | taglines business style resume writing | cover letters | forms | curriculum vitae | proposals | methodologies | business plans | white papers | executive summaries | RFPs | statements of intent | applications technical technical writing and editing | user guides and manuals | information mapping | online help | localization and translation services management creative letters to Mom | essays | concepts | erasing writer’s block | biographies | e-books | brainstorming ideas | apologies | thank you letters | outlining | total re-writes | style, voice, structure and consistency | page layout and design | personal ads | email etiquette | really good synonyms and more!
... writing and designing
for the SF Bay Area and beyond
Words and Pictures Together

  • before and after
  • QA Build Engineer resume
    Problem: Too many different platforms, tools and software all listed together under Technical Skills. Solution: Platforms, tools, software and servers all listed separately and made more clear; High Points added for each job; more interesting font.
    resume before resume after

    Senior Consultant resume
    Problem: Spills onto two pages but not enough on the second page; unclear job objective; re-wording needed to best describe first job. Solution: One page, centered and better font to make a professional look; objective made clear.
    resume before resume after

  • more samples
  • TV Garden Show proposal
    Executive Summary - Document Database
    Socaba memo
    Business school application (successful!)
    Landscape Designer resume

  • reviews of my work
  • With over twenty years’ experience in all kinds of writing and design. Call me and I’ll set you straight. Writer’s block is a myth. Write realobiegirl@yahoo.com or call Barbara Klare at 415.457.6416