Produce Percentage Chart


Other Pages:
How to get to essence level 10 using "Mirrored World" card. (not translated)
Translated Ultimania Tempering Charts
Mystic Card List
Relationship Between Weapon/Armor Material, Item Energy, & Essence Levels

Produce Percentage Chart
Tempering for Bonus Effects and Plunges
Item Search & Shop Rank
Golem Logic Block Size and Block Strength
Best Instruments
Special Techniques
Scratch Pad

How to Choose a Map

Notes Before Starting:
-These aren't the only seed combinatioons for each fruit. These are the best combinations based on highest percentages and my assumption that Flat Seeds and Spiny Seeds are rare and people don't want to use them if they have the same chance with different seeds.
-I don't really understand how the Lannd Element Power requirements for fruit work. All I know is that you get a certain amount depending on what day you plant on and what your Land Element levels for My Home or Trent's Garden look like. But you can tell just by looking at the column that Gnome is probably the most important element for planting. I think it effects how fast your fruit grows. For example, with no Jinn element on My Home it takes me what seems like an eternity to mature any fruit that has Jinn as part of its Land Element Power. But because I have a lot of Gnome element on My Home, Pine o' Clocks mature in no time at all.
-There seems to be some differences beetween what LOM Ultimania says and what the in-game Produce Book says about the effects of fruit. For example, I think the in-game Produce Book says Mush-in-a-Box will raise a pet's Luck. Personally, I haven't found this to be true when playing the game so I'm inclined to believe the LOM Ultimania.

Fruit Name Best Seed Combinations Pet Stat +/- Personality Resist Land Element Power
Bellgrapes Spiny + Long = 3.91 %
Spiny + Crooked = 3.13%
Spiny + Round = 3.13%
Mgc + + +
Spr + +
Scheming + +
Friendly - -
  Aura 16
Gnome 25
Diceberry Crooked + Crooked = 18.75% Pwr + + Aggressive +   Wisp 8
Gnome 15
Mangolephant Flat + Flat = 4.69%
Flat + Spiny = 3.13%
Flat + Big/Small/Long = .78%
Spiny + Big/Small/Long = .78%
Pwr + +
HP + + +
Aggressive + +
Arrogant + + 
  Wisp 8
Salamander 16
Gnome 45
Loquat-Shoes Crooked + Oblong = 18.75%
Small + Small = 10.55%
Skl / Chm + +
HP - -
Scheming +
Lazy +
  Shade 8
Gnome 15
Jinn 8
Pear o'Heels Flat + Flat = 29.69%
Flat + Spiny = 12.50%
Flat + Small/Long = 5.47%
Pwr / Def / Chm + +
Spr - -
Arrogant +   Wisp 8
Dryad 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 8
Squalphin Oblong + Round = 18.75%
Oblong + Big = 12.50%
Big + Big = 12.11%
Mgc / Lck + +
Pwr - -
Friendly +
Lonely +
  Aura 8
Gnome 15
Undine 8
Citrisquid Oblong + Oblong = 56.25%
Oblong + Small/Flat = 28.13%
Mgc + Scheming +   Aura 8
Gnome 15
Springanana Oblong + Oblong = 18.75%
Oblong + Small/Flat = 9.38%
HP + Indecisive -   Salamander 8
Gnome 15
Peach Puppy Crooked + Flat = 37.50%
Crooked + Crooked = 18.75%
Pwr / Skl + + Friendly +
Scheming - 
  Wisp 8
Shade 8
Gnome 25
Apricat Crooked + Crooked = 56.25%
Crooked + Small/Long/Flat = 28.13%
Def + + Calm +   Dryad 8
Gnome 15
Applesocks Spiny + Crooked = 6.25%
Spiny + Spiny = 4.69%
Flat + Crooked/Spiny = 3.13%
Skl + + +
Chm + +
Calm + +
Indecisive + +
  Shade 16
Gnome 45
Wind 8
Whalamato Spiny + Crooked = 25%
Flat + Crooked = 21.88%
Crooked + Crooked = 6.25%
Mgc / HP / Chm + +
Def - -
Aggressive -   Aura 8
Salamander 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 8
Pine o'Clock Flat + Round = 37.50%
Round + Round = 18.75%
Big + Flat = 14.06%
Spr / Lck + + Aggressive -
Calm -
Scheming -
Friendly -
  Gnome 45
Fishy Fruit Spiny + Oblong = 25%
Flat + Oblong = 21.88%
Oblong + Oblong = 6.25%
Skl / Mgc / Chm + +
HP - -
Scheming -   Shade 8
Aura 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 8
Boarmelon Spiny + Big = 16.80%
Oblong + Round = 6.25%
Pwr / Skl / Spr + +
Chm - -
Lonely +   Wisp 8
Shade 8
Gnome 25
Rhinoloupe Spiny + Round = 25%
Flat + Round = 21.88%
Round + Round = 6.25%
Pwr / HP / Spr + +
Mgc - -
Calm -   Wisp 8
Salamander 8
Gnome 25
Orcaplant Round + Crooked = 18.75%
Long + Long = 10.55%
Skl / Mgc + + Scheming +
Friendly -
  Shade 8
Aura 8
Gnome 25
Garlicrown Flat + Flat = 14.06%
Flat + Small = 7.03%
Small + Small/Long = 3.52%
Chm + + Arrogant -   Gnome 15
Jinn 8
Honey Onion Spiny + Small = 15.63%
Spiny + Crooked/Oblong = 12.50%
Oblong + Crooked = 6.25%
Skl / HP + +
Pwr - -
Indecisive +   Shade 8
Salamander 8
Gnome 25
Sweet Moai Spiny + Long = 15.63%
Flat + Long = 5.47%
Long + Long = 3.52%
Def / Mgc + +
Skl - -
Lazy +   Dryad 8
Aura 8
Gnome 25
Undine 8
Spiny Carrot Crooked + Oblong = 56.25%
Small + Small = 31.64%
Mgc / Spr + +
Skl - -
Calm +
Indecisive +
  Aura 8
Gnome 15
Conchurnip Flat + Flat = 4.69%
Flat + Long/Small = 2.34%
Long + Small = 1.17%
Pwr / Def + +
Mgc - -
Aggressive +
Arrogant +
  Wisp 8
Dryad 8
Gnome 15
Cornflower Flat + Oblong = 37.50%
Oblong + Oblong = 18.75%
Mgc / Spr + + Aggressive +
Calm -
  Aura 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 8
Cabbadillo Round + Oblong = 56.25%
Big + Big = 36.33%
Round + Big = 28.13%
Def / Spr + +
Chm - -
Friendly + +
Lonely + +
Strike + +
Slash + +
Pierce + +
Magic + +
Dryad 8
Gnome 45
Needlettuce Round + Oblong = 18.75%
Big + Big = 10.55%
Def / Chm + + Calm +
Aggressive -
  Dryad 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 8
Cherry Bombs Round + Crooked = 18.75%
Long + Long = 10.55%
HP + + Friendly +    Salamander 8
Gnome 15
Masked Potato Flat + Flat = 46.88%
Flat + Long/Small = 9.38%
Def / HP / Spr + +
Lck - -
Friendly -   Dryad 8
Salamander 8
Gnome 25
Lilipods Round + Crooked = 56.25%
Crooked + Long = 28.13%
Skl / HP + +
Mgc - -
Calm +
Indecisive +
Friendly +
Lonely +
  Shade 8
Salamander 8
Gnome 15
Rocket Papaya Spiny + Oblong = 6.25%
Flat + Oblong = 3.13%
Mgc + +
Chm + + +
Calm + +
Aggressive - -
  Aura 8
Gnome 25
Jinn 16
Orange'opus Spiny + Small = 3.91%
Spiny + Crooked/Oblong = 3.13%
Flat + Small = .78%
Def + + +
HP + +
Scheming + +
Lazy + +
  Dryad 16
Salamander 8
Gnome 45
Bumpkin Oblong + Crooked = 18.75%
Small + Small = 10.55%
Pwr / Spr + + Aggressive +
Arrogant +
Scheming +
Lazy +
  Wisp 8
Gnome 25
Heart Mint Round + Round = 56.25%
Round + Big/Long = 28.13%
Big + Big = 14.06%
Chm + + Lazy -   Gnome 15
Jinn 8
Spade Basil Round + Round = 18.75%
Round + Big/Long = 9.38%
Spr + + Lonely -   Gnome 15
Dialaurel Spiny + Big = 3.91%
Spiny + Round/Oblong = 3.13%
Flat + Big = .78%
Pwr + + + Aggressive + +
Calm - -
Magic + + Wisp 16
Gnome 25
Undine 8
Gold Clover Spiny + Round = 6.25%
Flat + Round = 3.13%
Skl + +
Lck + + +
Friendly + +
Scheming - -
  Shade 8
Gnome 25
Undine 16
Mush-in-a-Box Oblong + Long = 25%
Crooked + Big = 25%
Small + Big = 21.88%
      Shade 8
Gnome 15
Toadstoolshed Spiny + Long/Small/Big = 2.34% All + (except Lck)   Strike +
Slash +
Pierce +
Magic +
Shade 8
Gnome 80
Animal Meat N/A Pwr / Skl + +
Def / Mgc - -
  Slash + +  
Bug Meat N/A Skl / Spr + +
Pwr / Chm - -
  Magic + +  
Lizard Meat N/A Def / Chm + +
Mgc / Spr - -
  Pierce +  

Last Update: Feb. 19, 2001