Tempering for Bonus Effects and Plunges

e-mail: xo_pitseleh@hotmail.com

Other Pages:
How to get to essence level 10 using "Mirrored World" card. (not translated)
Translated Ultimania Tempering Charts
Mystic Card List
Relationship Between Weapon/Armor Material, Item Energy, & Essence Levels

Produce Percentage Chart
Tempering for Bonus Effects and Plunges
Item Search & Shop Rank
Golem Logic Block Size and Block Strength
Best Instruments
Special Techniques
Scratch Pad

How to Choose a Map

On This Page:
I. Bonus Effects (Armor)
II. Bonus Effects (Weapon)
III. Plunge Attacks
IV. Material Attributes (Sharp-Heavy-Force-Technique and Strike-Slash-Pierce-Magic of Materials)

I. Bonus Effects (Armor)

Notes Before Starting:

-This should help you choose items and cards to enhance an armor you're tempering. If, say, you want to make yourself a robe, you can look for "Robe" and see what items and cards will add effects to a robe.
-The bonus percentages are for the Striike, Slash, Pierce, and Magic of the material the armor was made with and not the type of armor. (See charts at bottom of page.)
-The bonus percentages of cards are commpounded with each additional card. This is why 4 Bed of Thorns cards work so well.
-The effects of items with defense bonuuses (ex: Cabadillo) will be replaced by the next item you add. This is why it is best to add an item such a Cabadillo last--usually after adding 4 Bed of Thorns cards to an Hauberk.
-It's possible that the order in which cards appear on an item effects how they work. I haven't tested this but I think that the card that has been on the item longest gets the lowest priority over the following cards when it comes to conflicting effects. For example, Bed of Thorns allows high defense but stops HP regeneration. If you put a Heaven's Scale card on an item and then added a Bed of Thorns card on the item, the Bed of Thorns would cancel the HP regenerating powers of the Heaven's Scale card since it came after the Heaven's Scale. But if you put the Heaven's Scale card on after the Bed of Thorns card then you'd get the HP regenerating powers of Heaven's Scale and the defense bonus of Bed of Thorns. It might actually be the other way around though, I can't remember...
-Wouldn't it be cool if you could tempeer your hand?

Bonus Effects (Armor)

Armor Type Item or Card Effect Notes
Shield Healing Claw Poison immunity Adds Tower Card if (Wisp > 0, Salamnder=0)
Wisdom Goddess Stare attacks null Need "Aroma Oil"
Need combined essence levels > 5
Helm Sweet Moai Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%  
Moss Darkness immunity  
Hat Sweet Moai Strike/Slash/Pierce +50%  
Spirit (of ocean) Card Confusion Immunity Need "Loquat-Shoes" or "Pear o' Heels"
Hauberk Cabadillo Strike/Slash/Pierce +25%, Magic -50%  
Volcano Card Freeze immunity Need "Ash"
Robe Baked Roach Poison immunity  
Metropolis Card Magic +50%, Confusion immunity Need "Dialaural"
Need Shade > 0, Salamander=0
Spring Card Flameburst immunity  




Ring Spirit (of housework) Card Gain more Lucre Need "Hairball"
Phoenix Card Chance of instant revive from unconscious Need "Flaming Quill"
Need Salamandr, Jinn > 2
Combine with Volcano Card*
Unicorn Card Faster revive from unconscious
Faster HP regeneration
Need "Whalamato"
Need Gnome, Undine > 2
Combine with Spring Card*
Boots Spirit (of shoes) Card Paralyze immunity Need "Loquat-Shoes" or "Pear o' Heels"
Sandals Loquat-Shoes Strike/Slash/Pierce +25% Adds Spirit (of shoes) Card
Pear o' Heels Strike/Slash/Pierce +25% Adds Spirit (of shoes) Card
Wind God Paralyze immunity Need "Diceberry"
Need Jinn > 2, Combined essence levels > 4
Spirit (of shoes) Card Gain more EXP Need "Loquat-Shoes" or "Pear o' Heels"
Full Amor




Mantle Nymph of the Sky Card Allows HP restore while moving Need "White Feather"
Spirit (of housework) Card Sleep Immunity Need "Hairball"
Pendant Zombie Claw Paralyze immunity  
Blackened Bat Darkness immunity  
Spring Card Sleep immunity Need "Fishy Fruit"
Goddess of Love Card Gain more Lucre Need "Virgin's Sigh"
Need Shade, Dryad > 2
Fertility Goddess Card Split EXP. with pets/ally Need "Ear of Wheat"
Need Dryad > 2, combined essence levels > 4
Sacrificed Nymph Card Petrify Immunity Need "Ghost's Shriek"
Phoenix Card Chance of instant revive from unconscious Need "Flaming Quill"
Need Salamandr, Jinn > 2
Combine with Volcano Card*
Unicorn Card Faster revive from unconscious
Faster HP regeneration
Need "Whalamato"
Need Gnome, Undine > 2
Combine with Spring Card*
All Armors Citrus Squid Strike +25%, Slash -25%  
Pine o' Clock Sleep immunity Adds Ragnarok Card if (Salamander, Gnome, Jinn, Undine > 0)
Rhinolaupe Poison immunity  
Little Eye Slash +25% Adds Pixie Card (red hat)
Sleepy Eye Pierce +25% Adds Pixie Card (blue hat)
Dangerous Eye Strike +25% Adds Pixie Card (no hat)
Creepy Eye Magic +25% Adds Pixie Card (black hat)
Moth Wing Strike/Slash/Pierce -25%, Mgc +25% Adds Spirit Card (of forest)
Stinky Breath Poison, Confusion immunity Adds Pixie Card (yellow hat)
Bed of Thorns Card Strike/Slash/Pierce/Magic +50%
Prevents HP regeneration in battle
Need "Needle Lettuce" or "Needle"
Need Dryad > 0, Salamander = 0
Prevents HP regeneration
Metropolis Card Improves bonus stat growth of Clown Card?
Magic +25%
Need "Dialaural"
Need Shade > 0, Salamander=0
Fertility Goddess Petrify immunity Need "Ear of Wheat"
Need Dryad > 2, combined essence levels > 4
Split EXP. with pets/ally
Ocean God Flameburst immunity Need "Squalphin" or "Orcaplant"
Need Undine > 2
Need combined essence levels > 4
God of Destruction Freeze immunity Need "Sharp Claw"
Need Salamander > 4, Undine = 0
Clown Card Strike - 50%, Pierce +50% Need "Bumpkin"
Improved bonus stat growth with Metropolis card
Cleric Card Strike +50%, Slash -50% Need "Holy Water"
Yggdrasil Card Faster HP regeneration Need "Spiny Seed"
Hide Armors Aroma Oil Strike/Slash/Pierce +50% Adds Wisdom Goddess card if combined essence levels > 5
Includes Animal Hide, Gator Skin, Centaur Hide, Dragon Skin
*Combining the Phoenix Card with the Volcano Card should improve your chances of instant recovery upon being knocked unconscious. Combining the Unicorn Card with the Spring Card significantly cuts down the time it takes to recover from being unconscious. In both cases, (I think) the Phoenix and Unicorn cards must be on the item before the Volcano and Spring cards.

II. Bonus Effects (Weapon)

Notes Before Starting:
-This should help you choose items and cards to enhance an weapon you're tempering.
-The bonus percentages are for the Sharrp, Heavy, Force, and Technique of the material the item was made with and not the type of weapon.(See charts at bottom of page.)
-The bonus percentages of cards are commpounded with each additional card on the weapon. This is why 4 Volcano, Clown, or Cleric cards work so well.
-The effects of items with attack bonusses (ex: Giant's Horn) will be replaced by the next item you add. This is why it is best to add an item such as a Giant's Horn last--usually after adding 4 Cleric cards.

Bonus Effects (Weapons)

Weapon Type Item or Card Effect Notes
All Weapons Citrus Squid Sharp -25%, Heavy +25%  
Peach Puppy Sharp +25%, Heavy -25% Adds "Wolf" card
Apricat Force -25%, Tech +25%  
Rhinolaupe Sharp +25%  
Spiny Carrot Sharp +25%, Heavy -25%  
Needle Lettuce Sharp +25%, Heavy -25% Adds "Bed of Thorns" card if (Dryad > 0, Salamander = 0)
Masked Potato Sharp -25%, Heavy +25%  
Spade Basil Sharp +25% Adds "Ruler of the Sky" card if (Wisp > 2, combined essence levels > 5)
Gold Clover Heavy +25%  
Sharp Claw Sharp +50%, Heavy -50% Adds "God of Destruction" card if (Salamander > 4, Undine = 0)
Poison Fang Force -50%, Tech +50% Adds "Beast-headed God" card if (Dryad > 4, Aura = 0)
Giant's Horn Sharp -50%, Heavy +50% Adds "Leviathan" card if (Gnome > 4, Salamander = 0)
Scissors Force +50%, Tech -50%  
Silly Eye Heavy +25% Pixie (purple hat)
Angry Eye Force +25% Pixie (light-blue hat)
Blank Eye Tech +25% Pixie (yellow hat)
Wicked Eye Sharp +25%  
Clear Feather Heavy -50%, Tech +50% Adds "Lord of Flies" card if (Jinn > 4, Gnome = 0)
Dragon Breath Force +25%, Tech +25% Adds "Man of Valour"card if (Wisp, Salamander > 0, combined essence levels > 2) 
Volcano Card Force +50%, Tech -50% Need "Ash"
Clown Card Sharp +50%, Heavy -50% Need "Bumpkin"
Cleric Card Sharp -50%, Heavy +50% Need "Holy Water"
Yggdrasil Card Faster HP regeneration Need "Spiny Seed"

III. Plunge Attacks

Notes Before Starting:
-This should help you choose Plunge Atttacks to enhance a weapon you're tempering.
-Once a Plunge Attack is added to your weapon, the Plunge Attack stays on that weapon until replaced by a different Plunge Attack of the same type (Jump, Uppercut, Thrust etc.)
-Using Plunge Attacks fills up your Atttack Guage twice as fast as attacking with Quick Attacks. "Attack Guage +" means that that particular Plunge Attack fills up your Attack Guage 4 times faster than a Quick Attack. "Attack Guage -" means that that particular Plunge Attack fills up your Attack Guage half as fast as a Quick Attack.

Plunge Attacks

Weapon Type Card Plunge Attack Description Notes
Dagger Lord of Flies Sinister Blade Jump, x2 damage vs. demi-humans Need "Clear Feather"
Jinn > 4, Gnome = 0
Beast-Headed God Poison Blade Uppercut, poison Need "Poison Fang"
Dryad > 4, Aura = 0
Clown Quick Blade Uppercut, Attack Guage + Need "Bumpkin"
Sword Sun God Sunlight Uppercut, x2 damage vs. undead,
flameburst to undead
Need "Sun Crystal"
Wisp > 2, total > 4
Moon Goddess Moonlight Jump, x2 damage vs. aquatic,
sleep to aquatic
Need "Moon Crystal"
Shade > 2, total > 4 
Witch of Moon Vampsword Uppercut, ¼ damage absorbed to HP Need "Vampire Fang" 
Undine > 4, Jinn = 0
God of Destruction Flametongue Uppercut, fire damage, flameburst Need "Sharp Claw" 
Salamandr > 4, Undine = 0 
Axe God of War Dragon Slayer Uppercut, x2 damage to dragon,
sleep to dragons
Need "Dragon Blood"
Salamandr > 2, total > 4
Wanderer Wood Chopper Jump, x2 damage vs plant  Need "Wad of Wool" 
Shade, Dryad > 0, total > 2
2H Sword Ragnarok Ragnarok Jump, power up Pine o 'Clock
Salamander, Gnome, Jinn, Undine > 0
Fallen Angel  Chaotic Avenger Thrust, fire/earth/wind/water damage,
Attack Guage + 
Angel Feather
Wisp > 4, Shade = 0
2H Axe Leviathan Treefeller Jump, x2 damage vs. plant,
dizzy to plant
Orange'opus or Giant's Horn
Gnome > 4, Salamandr = 0 
Hammer Volcano Magma Hammer Jump, fire/gold damage, defense up Ash
Thunder God Mjiolnir Jump, fire/wind damage, Attack Guage +  Electricity
Wisp, Salamandr, Jinn > 2
Blacksmith God Sledge Hammer Jump, x2 damage to poltergiest,
dizzy to poltergeist
Aura, Gnome > 2
Spirit (of mountain) Quake Hammer Jump, gold/earth damage, defense up Ether
Aura, Gnome less than 2
Spear Ruler of Sky Gungnir Thrust, spirit up, Attack Guage + Spade Basil
Wisp > 2, total > 5
Ocean God Trident Thrust, x2 damage vs. aquatic,
confuse to aquatic, Attack Guage +
Squalphin or Orcaplant 
Undine > 3, total > 5 
Man of Valour Spear of Light Thrust, light damage Dragon Breath
Wisp, Salamandr > 0, total > 3 
Staff Ruler of Sky Electro Sceptre Jump, fire/wind damage Spade Basil
Wisp > 2, total > 5
Wind God Caduceus Thrust, x2 damage vs insect
paralyze to insect
Jinn > 2, total > 4
Wings of Darkness Golden Touch Jump, EXP to Lucre, Attack Guage - Blackened Bat
Shade > 4, Wisp = 0 
Cleric Demonicide Jump, x2 damage vs demon
flameburst to demon
Holy Water
Gloves King Hand of Midas Uppercut, EXP to Lucre, Attack Guage - Garlicrown
Flail Mother of Gods Green Princess Thrust, defense up, Attack Guage + Heart Mint
Shade, Gnome, Undine > 1
Mother of Gods Game of Death Uppercut, skill up, Attack Guage +  Heart Mint
Shade, Gnome, Undine > 1
Mother of Gods Red Dream Jump, power up, Attack Guage + Heart Mint
Shade, Gnome, Undine > 1
Bow Sun God Solar Flare Double, light damage  Need "Sun Crystal"
Wisp > 2, total > 4
Moon Goddess  Lunar Shot Shot, dark damage Need "Moon Crystal"
Shade > 2, total > 4  
Sage  Phoenix Falling Double, x2 damage vs aerial,
flameburst to aerial 
Messy Scroll
Jinn, Undine > 0, total > 2 
Spirit (of forest)  Elven Archer Shot, paralyze  Moth Wing 
Raven, Sorceror, Witch Magical Shot Double, x2 damage vs demon,
confusion to demon, Attack Guage + 
Need Raven Feather, Sulpher, and Mercury


Medusa Arrow Double, stone, weak attack Found only in "Sacred Bow" dropped by Chobinhoods lvl 64 - 99


Flaming Arrow Double, fire damage, flameburst Found only in "Sidewinder" dropped by Chobinhoods lvl 32 - 99


Icicle Double, water damage, freeze  Found only in "Waveruck" dropped by Chobinhoods lvl 48 - 99

IV. Material Attributes
(Sharp-Heavy-Force-Technique and Strike-Slash-Pierce-Magic of Materials)

Notes Before Starting:
-This shows the natural preference of materials for Sharp-Heavy-Force-Technique and Strike-Slash-Pierce-Magic.
-Red indicatess the best material for that category
-The bonus percentages are for the Striike-Slash-Pierce-Magic and Sharp-Heavy-Force-Technique of the material the armor was made with and NOT the type of armor or weapon. For example: Temper a Dangerous Eye into an armor made of Menos Bronze and you get a 25% bonus to the Menos Bronze's "Strike" defense. Or temper a Wicked Eye into a weapon made of Menos Bronze and you get a 25% bonus to the Menos Bronze's "Sharp".
-I think most of these numbers apply onnly to the Japanese version since they were changed to different amounts in the U.S. version of LOM. So these numbers are kind of worthless unless you're playing the Japanese version.

Material Attributes


Material Name








Magic Def

Metal Menos Bronze 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Forsena Iron 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Granz Steel 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Lorant Silver 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Wendel Silver 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Vizel Gold 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Ishe Platinum 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Lorimar Iron 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Altena Alloy 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
Maia Lead* 4 85 22 4 22 45 45 90
Orihalcon 38 32 33 37 30 30 30 40
Wood Oak Wood 6 14 6 16 5 7 9 12
Holly Wood 12 28 8 32 10 14 18 24
Baobab Wood 18 42 12 48 15 21 27 36
Ebony Wood 24 56 16 64 20 28 36 48
Maple Wood 30 70 20 80 25 35 45 60
Dior Wood 45 105 30 120 37 52 67 90
Ash wood 27 63 18 72 22 31 40 54
Fossil Wood* 42 98 28 112 35 49 63 84
Stone Marble 2 21 16 7 9 12 15 6
Obsidian 4 43 33 14 18 24 30 12
Pedan Stone 9 86 67 28 36 48 60 24
Gaius's Tears 14 129 100 43 54 72 90 36
Hide Animal Hide 1 1 1 20 8 12 10 15
Gator Skin 1 1 1 40 16 24 20 30
Centaur Hide** 1 1 1 80 32 48 40 60
Dragon Skin 1 1 1 120 48 72 60 90
Scales Fish Scales 8 7 7 9 9 8 4 16
Lizard Scales 17 14 14 19 19 16 8 32
Snake Scales 26 21 21 28 28 24 12 48
Dragon Scales 88 72 72 96 96 80 40 160
Bone Animal Bone 18 12 15 15 11 18 7 11
Ivory 36 24 30 30 22 37 15 22
Cursed Bone** 54 36 45 45 33 56 22 33
Fossil 78 52 65 65 48 81 32 48
Fabric Topple Cotton 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 18
Sultan's Silk 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 38
Judd Hemp 1 1 1 29 29 29 29 58
Altena Felt 1 1 1 39 39 39 39 78
Rock Jacobini Rock 15 30 32 20 18 24 32 12
Halley Rock 18 37 40 25 22 30 40 15
Ankh Rock 22 45 48 30 27 36 48 18
Vinek Rock 26 52 56 35 31 42 56 21
Tuttle Rock 30 60 64 40 36 48 64 24
Nemesis Rock* 37 75 80 50 45 60 80 30
Biella Rock* 45 90 96 60 54 72 96 36
Swifte Rock* 52 105 112 70 63 84 112 42
Misc Adamantite 67 135 144 90 45 135 90 67
Fullmetal 63 106 102 68 42 153 42 42
Coral 39 26 23 42 16 59 16 16
Tortoise Shell 31 20 18 33 13 46 13 13
Shell 21 14 12 23 9 32 9 9
Emerald 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Pearl 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
Lapis Lazuli 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 50
* indicates that the material is only available with a Pocket Station
** indicates that the material is only available in weapons or armors you find

Last Update: Oct. 9, 2001