Front Flip

The Front Flip was brought into the sport by the Brazilians. With there Samba flair, this move was created. They created this move to be better than any other country, this may have worked, but just like every other sport they were banned for being too good (Well a strictly European event was made).

To start a Front Flip you must do the infamous No Footer.

When you have made it off of the ground you must first lean forwards with your whole body weight.

Tuck your body to make a crouch position, to help stop injury.

Once you have gone over forwards and you making your way back to forwards when your feet are now a quarter of the way back you must start to come out of your tuck position.

To land your legs must be bent, but remember your momentum may make you stack (Fall over) the move.

*******These moves were done by and under the supervision of trained proffesionals, this website does not want any of the moves on this site being performed at home, as it may result in death or even injury*******

Front Flip Video Clip

1) Straddle

2) Tuck Jump

3) Pike

4) Seat Drop

5) No Footer

6) One Footer

7) Grope

8) Back Tuck

9) Swivel Hips

10) Busted Jump

11) Star Jump

12) Heel Kicker

13) Front Flip

14) Back Flip

15) 180

16) 360

17) 540

1) Mike 'Passion' Chatten

2) Matt 'Penguin' Taylor

3) 'Just' Jon Wenn

4) Adam 'Gotta diddy' Coombes

5) Dan 'Syndrome' McConaghey

6) Sarah Taplin

7) Dave 'The Rave' Haynes

8) Sam Sexton

9) Pete Barber

10) Pete 'Hamish' Gallagher

11) Billie 'The Shoe' Fisher

12) James Jones

13) Will Canning

14) Evan 'tually' Chiswell

15) Candice Hibbard

16) Reza 'lution'

17) Kirk 'The Crusher' Gibson