James Jones

Age: 18

Height: 6 Foot 1inches

Style: Varies

Tramping Team: Not in one

Special Move: One footed Straddle

Previous Form: Unknown

Bio: Not much is none about this lone ranger. He thinks a lot about planning his tramping moves during competition though. Many a time have people seen James bust a move on a Tramp Mat, yet he doesn't boast about how great he truly is.

What Next?: Becoming the greatest Tramp of all time.

1) Straddle

2) Tuck Jump

3) Pike

4) Seat Drop

5) No Footer

6) One Footer

7) Grope

8) Back Tuck

9) Swivel Hips

10) Busted Jump

11) Star Jump

12) Heel Kicker

13) Front Flip

14) Back Flip

15) 180

16) 360

17) 540

1) Mike 'Passion' Chatten

2) Matt 'Penguin' Taylor

3) 'Just' Jon Wenn

4) Adam 'Gotta diddy' Coombes

5) Dan 'Syndrome' McConaghey

6) Sarah Taplin

7) Dave 'The Rave' Haynes

8) Sam Sexton

9) Pete Barber

10) Pete 'Hamish' Gallagher

11) Billie 'The Shoe' Fisher

12) James Jones

13) Will Canning

14) Evan 'tually' Chiswell

15) Candice Hibbard

16) Reza 'lution'

17) Kirk 'The Crusher' Gibson