Will Canning

Age: 18

Height: 5 Foot 10inches

Style: A bit of a Canning Chap

Tramping Team: Bus Boys

Special Move: Canning Can

Previous Form: 1989 Rayleigh Youth Cup Winner

Bio: Will, a law abiding citizen of Rayleigh is a big part in the Tramp scene. Although he started out as a thug hanging aroung between two crossings and a roundabout kicking a football along the road because he wasn't old enough to get in the pub. Now old enough to get in the pub Will has a new lease for life, Alcohol.

What Next?: Will will be taking the number 7 bus to Rayleigh. But in the long term, who knows there is no more danger for him as he can now legally get into a pub without being thrown out, this may affect his on edge style a bit.

1) Straddle

2) Tuck Jump

3) Pike

4) Seat Drop

5) No Footer

6) One Footer

7) Grope

8) Back Tuck

9) Swivel Hips

10) Busted Jump

11) Star Jump

12) Heel Kicker

13) Front Flip

14) Back Flip

15) 180

16) 360

17) 540

1) Mike 'Passion' Chatten

2) Matt 'Penguin' Taylor

3) 'Just' Jon Wenn

4) Adam 'Gotta diddy' Coombes

5) Dan 'Syndrome' McConaghey

6) Sarah Taplin

7) Dave 'The Rave' Haynes

8) Sam Sexton

9) Pete Barber

10) Pete 'Hamish' Gallagher

11) Billie 'The Shoe' Fisher

12) James Jones

13) Will Canning

14) Evan 'tually' Chiswell

15) Candice Hibbard

16) Reza 'lution'

17) Kirk 'The Crusher' Gibson