"The quality of your life is a direct reflection

of the expectations of your peer group"




"Get around the right kind of people.

It will change your life for the better"


- Anthony Robbins




  ***  Charity Appeal  ***   click here for more details




What is the        piccies         Inspirational        Chairman's          Next              UPW

YES group?      click here           quotes                Vision            event             2004

  (Page 2)                                                                                             **SOLD OUT**




previous          feedback          Fundays           Launch of         "Norman           Charity

speakers             form           & Toughguy     YES-Scotland         Award"




meet the           Basket            The YES            YES Talk         Frequently        Mastery

committee        Brigade          Musketeers                         Asked Questions       TV






The Scottish YES group meets on the first Saturday of every month




The next meeting will be;  (see "next event" above for directions)

PERTH - (We start prompt at 6.30pm and expect to finish by 9.30pm)

Saturday 7th February, 2004 


Jane McIver - The ONLY "Tony Robbins" Trainer in Scotland! click here for more

Jane will review many of the tools used in coaching and taught by Tony Robbins. To a large extent this will be an interactive session and valuable for anyone wanting to move forward in any area of their life!



Rintu Basu - Another Scottish talent - click here for more

Riveting Rapport
Learn the secret master keys to getting anyone to like you. What would your life be like if everyone you choose treats you as a close personal friend? This session is about learning and mastering the foundation skills to make this happen for yourself.





New for 2004


Dine with our guest speakers


All attendees will be invited to dine with our guest presenters after the event has finished (at your own expense).  This truly is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet our speakers in person, and get to know them and your fellow "YES Scotland" attendees in a relaxed, informal environment.


To confirm your seat at the dining table this month, please email Mark here; he will confirm our arrangements (type of food, venue, time, location etc)




The meeting will also include a buzz of vibrant energy, the opportunity to meet the team, find out what we're all about and connect with some phenomenal people. The emphasis will be on having fun, inspiration and motivation.

The cost for the evening will be only £7.00 (mostly to cover room hire), £3 under 18 and FREE if under age 3.

We have now introduced an annual membership option (£20).  Room entry £5.00 for members.

You are advised to bring a bottle of water as it could get quite warm in the room 

(there will also be a water station available, all profits to charity).



"If you don't like where you are, change it!  You're not a tree" - Jim Rohn



The more people we have along, the more fantastic the energy will be.  We welcome all ages.

For more information contact either :
Mike Berry (Chairman) – YES@dynamicmike.com

Liz Hudson (Secretary) - lizhudson@onetel.net.uk








"It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped" - Tony Robbins





To find out more click here;  www.YES-group.co.uk


                              Or here; www.TonyRobbins.com



Please feel welcome to join us for FUN FUN FUN.  All ages welcome, whether you’ve heard of Tony Robbins or not.

The YES Group is a non-profit, independent community that is dedicated to your becoming more successful and fulfilled in your life. It is a dynamic environment of warmth; caring and fun that supports every member and guest in making his or her dreams a reality.

Every month we serve you by bringing world leaders in personal development, presenting their latest breakthroughs, insights and learnings in the areas of Health & Vitality, Wealth, Relationships, Spirituality, Vision and Inspiration!

Each YES Group Event delivers joy, excitement and passion that make every event a Magic Moment.

For more information, please email; info@yes-scotland.com  




"Get around the right people.  Associate with positive, goal-oriented people

 who encourage and inspire you" - Brian Tracy






Charity - Heart Foundation

In the end, only two of us have embarked on a HUGE mission... We cycled approx 330 kms (200 miles) to raise money for The British Heart Foundation.  Statistically, almost one third of us will have challenges with our heart prior to death.  We are still looking to raise funds to help with the research to find a solution (even better education may go a long way towards a solution).


If you would like to sponsor, we have a website that can accept your donation now.  www.LifeIsStandingOut.com

For further information, please contact Leanne at; bravecycle@yahoo.co.uk


Full details on the cycle ride including piccies of some dramatic scenery, will be posted on this website by end of November 2003





**SOLD OUT** - UPW 2004 tickets for sale - only twoo left!!






"LIFE will never be the same again"