What is scouts all about? Scouting is about first aid, using a compass, and pitching a tent. It is about leadership, and it gives Scouts a chance to find out who they really are.

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What Scouts is All About

First aid, orienteering, camping, cooking, and pioneering. All these are basic scouting skills. But is that what Boy Scouts of America is all about? "Scouting is a game with a purpose." Baden-Powell said that some time ago. In fact, Scouting teaches much more than most realize. First aid is a great problem solving skill. We have to make quick desisions and keep our cool. This is a necessary skill for life, whether at a job interview or on a first date.

Pioneering teaches us to utalize our available resources. A tower needs to be organized and requires teamwork. Orienteering gives the satisfaction of reaching a goal. You have to aim right, then check back to be sure you are going in the right direction.

The scouting program offers a large compilation of skills that you can't get in other organizations. All sorts of skills that are applied later in life are offered and learned in the scouting program.

How do you get Scouts to realize the skills they have used in their activities? An awesome process was developed to help us understand the Purpose of Scouting. It brings out the meaning of games, events, and activities we do. That process is the Reflection.

All in all, scouting offers one of the best life-oriented programs available. Technically, scouting is knowing the Oath and Law, wearing a uniform, and exploring the outdoors. Subconsciously, Scouts pick up all sorts of skills needed for life. Problem solving, communication, cooperation and teamwork, using resources, and planning are just a few skills incorperated in a good scouting program.

Reflections For more information on Reflections

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