Green Nature


Green Nature - Protection upland Golic

Beautiful landscape on Golic - we'll know to keep ? ( 2002 - 2003)

Protection Uplands Golic before setting up of wind power plants ( Slovenia )


Protecting and preservation rich cultural heritage of Slovenia.

This web side and project is originate, because of too small conoscius of Slovenes of what natural value have on uplands Golic in Slovenia in part Cicarije over Karst edge and for preservation future European botanical garden - of Karst park before setting up wind power plants( WPP ) , which are not GREEN manner (energy of wind of production of energy , but very destroy, hostile and unfriendly for environment and previous tranquil countryside

( ( village Zazid and Rakitovec have all potential possibility for select Eko turist: cycling expedition, recreaction, relaxation, horse trip, horse ride, peace, mountering and intat nature ), statement manager of leading hotels in Portoroz: be over are times, when is to tourist was enough sea and room in hotel, now search active leave ) will in trend still more strongly emigrate because of appearance and noise what is paradox not inform of inhabitants and of responsible humans.( INVESTORS Of wind power plants PROMISE BLOOM OF TOURISM ???? )

No way for wind power plants on Golic , actually they are newage big pollutant of environment and thief of silence.

Nature is necessary to protect no because of her alone ( Nature will without us - without human - have right wonderfully ),

but because of us alone - for human. He's caring let us for human and for environment for human .

Map of Slovene coast - WPP will be visual from Hrastovelje - klikni

Project : Protection Plateu Golic before setting up of wind power plants ( Slovenia )

We registrate Project on invitation for Ford Conservation and Environmental Grants for year 2003 :

Internet web side: Green nature - Zelena narava is project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage Of Slovenia-of plateau Golic over Kras edge before setting up of wind power plants.

He's going for protection :

- of intact nature, of animal and of plants
- of important vital place 55 % of all lived butterflies in Slovenia, of threatened birds , eagle Snake, golden eagle, of harriers, eagle hornet, of owls, postovk, griffon from Kvarner ,
- endemic type of bug- look FOTO,
- of dry stone Kras meadows, which are rarity in Europe,
- of rare vegetable types - Ucenska bodeca Neza and Cicarijski dimek - unresearch smoke ,Serratula lycopifolia
- unresearch remainders of ancient construction - gradisce,
- of water-protection range of river of Rizana, which almost in whole covers Slovene Istria with drinking water
-of visual and of cultural qualities of place and influences on cultural heritage as vedute and of historical value world- known Hrastovlje and Kras edge
-of hydrogeological reserve park of river Of Rizana

Project : Protection Plateu Golic before setting wind power plants is for at the moment the biggest project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage, which goes in Slovenia in 2003 or maybe in Europe


Setting up of wind power plants on Golic meanings for Slovenia naturally catastrophe similarly like accident of tanker

before shore of Spain and of Portugal. Of wind power plant let sets in already urbanization field as abroad somewhere

by motorway, no on top of intact Karst uplands. In Spain were considering of opinion countryguard and are such fields

intended to natural parks protect before Wind power plants. Right so world organisation Greenpeace, doesn't support

of setting up of wind power plants everywhere, especially no on fields of important

for bird - habitat and no on area Nature2000.


Ecology - klikni

FOTO Golic - klikni

Protest march to Golic - 16.06.2002 - kliki

Reply politics party and president of Slovenia - klikni

Golic - basement for Natural Park ?- klikni

Golic - tower for wind surveyor - test wind turbine - klikni

Golic - National Park- klikni

Golic without wind turbines 22.09.2002 - klikni

Natura2000 -Golic 28.11.2002 - klikni

Hrastovlje - New veduta from Slovenia

Golic - Karst Park - Reply branch 16.12.2002

Golic - media and politics 30.12.2002

Golic - View from Koper from the sea 12.01.2003

Golic like powerful bioenergetic physic point of Slovenia

are surveyour tower on Golic coun down days ? 20.02.2003

Wind power plants on other location in Slovenia - on Milanja ( Ilirska Bistrica ) ?- 20.02.2003

Wind power plants and Burja ( Slovene powerful wind ) like uttermost fiction story - 23.2.2003

Wind power plants on Golic - Temp. bomb drinking water to Slovene coast - 28.2.2003 in 13.3.2003

Wind power plants or miss myth about green mode gain Energy - 12.3.2003

they are remove surveyour tower of Golic look FOTO - FIRST WIN OF GREEN NATURE - 14.03.2003

Golic : Gallery foto from wander - 26. 3.2003

Golic Free - 15.4.2003

Round table in Rakitovec 26. aprila 2003 ob 14:00

Reply Eu Commissar mrs. Margot Wallström 5. Junij, 17 Julij 2003

Both two towers - they not remove yet 14. Julij 2003

Informing responsibillity people - Will be village Rakitovec abandon village 14.Julij 2003

Year 2003 -international year of water - Upland Golic - Hydrogeological nature reservation - 1.september 2003

Ford Conservation and Environmental Grants 2003 - Registration Projekt: Protection plateu Golic before setting up Wind power plants ( Slovenia )

Reply Greenpeace - we not support setting up WPP anywhere - 19.9.2003

Meeting politics ( Lds) - Ekological forum - WPP at first on not conflict location 23.9.2003

Slovenian biologist Mitja Kaligaric is confirm presence rarity herb - Serratula lycopifolia on Golic - 3. 10-2003

Eho to article in Slovene newspaper Delo:Znanost - Cista energija, a je ne maramo Clear energy, but we don't like - 6. 10. 2003

Eho to reasearch public opinion : Slovene and wind power plants on TV and newspaper , Dnevnik in v Primorskih novicah 20.10.2003

Vievpoint ecolog Timi Ecimovic, Green politics party -Zeleni Slovenije, Seg, Umanotera , Dopps and Slo. E-Forum to WPP on Golic 21.10.2003

Slovenian biologist Andrej Gogala is discover new ( first in the world )endemic bug - Platycranus boreae - Burjevka on Golic - FOTO- 28.10.2003

Links to web sides around the world, which are against wind power plants - 30.10.2003

Way to Golic from Rakitovec -31.10.2003

Opinion countryguard after sight WPP in Spain - 3.11.2003

E- mail to president of Slovenia and all political party - 10.11.2003

Golic - Eko park - 16.12. 2003

Reply mrs. Soledad Blanco Head of EU Commission for Envirinment - 17.12.2003, 12.01.2004

Opinion EFGP, GREENS of EU and members parties of EFGP about setting wind power plants - 21.12.2003

Opinion Europa Nostra, Slovene organization Slovenia Nostra about setting wind power plants in uplands Golic - 7.01.2004

Is FORD prize for heritage in Slovenia for year 2003 only farce ? 12.02.2004

Request against setting up of wind power plants against plateu Golic on Croatia side - 18.03.2004

Golic with one's diversely and specific country and with rich flora and fauna belongs to to pearls of Slovenia.

Minister for environment and place Mr.Janez Kopac has promised,but on Golic no will WPP, because of natural values and of insurance of cultural heritage. Golic as natural value belongs to to whole Slovenia and is to much valuable, that would him destroy with Wind turbines.On fortune is outweight common sense, although some still always believe to simbiozo - community intact nature and birds and WPP. - click for tour of setting up of WPP

Do you this wish against Pearls of Slovenian Istria : Karst edge, Tower in Podpec, Hrastovelje church, Kubed, Zanigrad in Golic .

Plateau Golic is already of century equal and will such ,if her will know to protect, still forward.

Ecological energy of wind is become¨ Big bussines ¨and ¨ Green renovable Energy ¨, what use some as excuse, that in this name destroy our unique environment and have strong ally between capital.

Right such is in vicinity of WPP already in world confirmed, that falls value of immovable properties and drop of tourism for 40 %. In instance Golic in Slovenian Cicarija some pronounce of poverty and unprespective of local population, what is misleading of public, because straight after will you theft still in bigger trend emigrate.

Who will live in small village Rakitovec or Zazid under turbines.Where sets of turbine, there is not of place for human.State would must to this humans,which have succeeded to keep such intactly nature, otherwise to help.

WPP mean brutally industrialization of our Slovenia countryside.Therefor let set on unquestionable fields against motorway.Geography Of Slovenia right such is not suitable for WPP,because not have of such wind as him have of state against Atlantic Ocean and our strong wind Burja - Bora is not suitable for them but is were only excuse ... for some natures dangerous individuals,which them interests only short interest and profit and them is preservation of nature little care.


Policy and economy don't mean for opinion of field ( of biologists, of institutes for protecting of natural and of cultural heritage, of society for observation of birds and country architects ) that WPP don't judge on fields intended to reserves-on Karst uplannds Golic.
Economy and policy with one's manner enforce setting up of turbines to reserves work bear free service, for before favourable opinion of public ,now turns in the negative - because them thought to set on fields intended to reserves, where is setting up of turbines for landscape and nature very disturbing and perniciously.
Because of this them don't set on exposed towns, because very spoil panorama and act as of high skyscraper in nature.(represent Hrastovelje church and in background 8o.meters ). Strangers , which would examine world known frescoes,would us at once mark for Barbars. (because this is between other also one from reasons, why WPP don't judge on GOLIC ). Deputies quote on Kyoto protocol and that are WPP pursuant to him.Human with destroying of nature destroys one's bases.Of intact plateau on Golic us with one's beauty and primordial fill with silence and respect.
Why them mankind is responsible from only more aggressive and spasmodic destroying and quotes on Kyoto protocol, where are of turbine truly marked as production of clean energy,(energy of wind ) however there don't mention, that is,

Hope, that ministry realizes, that plateau of Golice belongs to Second water protect zone of river Rizane, which almost to whole covers with supply drinking water entire Slovene Istria and that nowhere on world of wind power plants no set on such ranges because of potential pollution of drinking water with synthetic oil ( every wind turbine has round 370 litres of oil ,370 x 80 Wind turbines = 30.000 litres of oil ). That will of wind power plants of visual from Hrastovlje church - tabor ( The dance of death - freske ) and that on this field already goes European project Natura2000.

In instance of earthquake or orcan northeaster,will of turbine temp. ecological bomb.Will concrete whole field of Karst edge and of uplands? Do you wish of catastrophe or us will Italians give of subsidy at sale of drinking water for Slovenia Istria?

No way for wind power plants on Golic , actually they are newage big pollutant of environment and thief of silence.

Project : Protection Plateu Golic before setting wind power plants is for at the moment the biggest project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage, which goes in Slovenia in 2003 or maybe in Europe - Project registration to Ford Conservation and Environmental Grants 2003.

Also Greenpeace reply, that not automatically supports the construction of wind turbines in any place, particulary not
not in places important for birds ( habitat ) and not in places in natura2000.

What would say Julius Kugy, which is the first realize ,that of country as this ,is not elsewhere none.Welcome are all your contributions : e-mails and information for preservation Golic,which them will publish on this page. Send your's opinion - click

Thank you all biologist, country architect and other humans who are anyway help us to protect and preservation of natural and of cultural heritage of Slovenia.

They are : Jasmina Pogacnik, Andrej Gogala, Brina Švigelj Merat, Ana Kucan, Franc Maleckar, Tomaz Ogrin,

Bojana Lipej, Tomaz Jancar, Zoltan Waliczky, Margot Wallström, Soledad Blanco , Nicholas Hanley, Darko Darovec,

Helen Jolly, Mladen Berginc, Metod Pirih, Vesna Kolar- Planinsic, Andrej Sovinc,

Jurrien Westerhof , Mitja Kaligaric in Manca Kosir.

David Stepan, group Green nature


Hope, that ministry realizes, that plateau of Golice belongs to Second water protect zone of river Rizane, which almost to whole covers with supply drinking water entire Slovene Istria and that nowhere on world of wind power plants no set on such ranges because of potential pollution of drinking water with synthetic oil ( every wind turbine has round 370 litres of oil ,370 x 80 Wind turbines = 30.000 litres of oil ). That will of wind power plants of visual from Hrastovlje church - tabor ( The dance of death - freske ) and that on this field already goes European project Natura2000.

Let of Golice stays goal and let him however Mr. minister Janez Kopac at once put in to spatial plan between most highly Natural treasure R. Of Slovenia.


Nazaj na stran Zelena narava - Home- klikni