
Font Colors & Faces

Now that we size figured out.. now what? let's go onto some other things that are nifty and fun! COLORS! *good cause this page was looking a little drab!*

Hmmm.. colors are fun.. but how do you pick a color? Crayola may come up with some great names.. but will the browsers recognize them? What could be purple to you.. could very well be lavender to me.. AND.. besides.. who can possibly remember every single color combination? WOW.. if you could.. I'd be impressed!

Ok, now hold on.. let's try this word on for size.... 'hexidecimal' colors. Hmm.. this could be a good place to get complicated.. but it even confuses me.. so instead.. I'll just refer you to the link on the left that says "color chart". *I would suggest that you bookmark that page* There's over 250 colors there to fit every color mood. Beware though.. the page is large.. so it may take an extra moment or two to load. Now that you have some colors.. let me show you how to use them.

<font color="#417c64">how about some aquamarine?</font>

Ok, I'm not going to do that with all 250 colors.. it's already on the other page.. so you get the idea.. Now there's a couple things to remember here that are important.

1) watch the spelling of the word "color". If you spell it 'colour' ... your color just isn't going to work.

2)It's very important to have the both quote marks in there.. if you leave one out.. the color won't be what you expected.

3)It's equally as important that you don't leave out the # sign.. for the same reason. Some of the newest browsers don't need it to interpet the color code.. but .... not everyone updates to Netscape 4.0 or MSIE as soon as they release a new beta version.

4)Please use a text color in the body tag (see Your Page for instructions on this) rather then creating many lines of text all with <font color="#417c64"> *as an example*. The reason for this is that some people have their browsers set with specific colors.. like white on black, or black on white.. and they have them set to override your document. When you force a specific color like that, then the browser can not override it. And it's possible that they are actually seeing white on white.. or dark purple on black.. making it impossible for them to read your page. Result being, you'll lose out on surfers. Editors do this constantly, please take the time to take it out and correct it. A words here and there, of text in a different color, isn't going to hurt anything.. that won't frustrate your viewer too much.

Ok, onto Font Faces. What are they? Well they're real nice things that allow you to write a page in a differnt font style. If you check your browser, you'll see that it has a default font set for reading what's published on the web. For example, mine is set at Times New Roman. By putting a font face on your page, you will override the browser settings, and people will be able to view your page a specific way......................................


Now here's the catch, if a person doesn't have a specific font, in their computer, then they will not be able to see it on your page. Are you wasting your time by putting it there? Who know's, it's your page, you like the look of it, and someone could have the same font.

With that in mind, here's now to do it...... *and you'll only see this the font changes if you have the same fonts I have, so don't think that the code doesn't work.. lol*

This entire page is written in 'arial'. So it would be: <font face="arial">arial</font>

<font face="comic sans MS">Comic Sans MS</font>

<font face="lucida handwriting">Lucida Handwriting</font>

You get the idea, I'm sure.. if it's in your computer.. just check a word processing program that you have, or even your copy of Netscape *not sure where in MSIE* to see how it's suppose to be written.. and put it up like that. One thing to keep in mind, maybe if you want to use a specific font on your page, upload it and offer it to others to download.. *make it a zipped file too.. I'll post more on that one later*.. or you could always make it a graphic and then almost everyone will be able to see it.. *much more on that one in a later tutorial*

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