
Ordered Lists/Unordered Lists & Blockquotes

HA.. bet you thought you were almost done.. right? WRONG! nope.. not even close.. Now I bet you're wondering.. why do I really need to know all this 'ordered.. unordered... list' stuff.. and blockquotes? WHY? *the poor student screams in agony* .. well don't panic.. I'm gonna show you here...

These list 'things' make for a nice looking page.. presentations purposes.. and without 'em.. you're gonna have a page o' text.. all block style...

  • <ul><li>this will be an unordered list
  • <li>with
  • <li>neat
  • <li>dots </ul>

hmmm.. ok.. so we can make dots.. that's not too bad.. lol ... what else can we do?

  • <ul><li>another unordered list
  • <li>..ok same as before..
  • <li>..still the same
    • <ul><li>what???
    • <li>cool! hollow dots!
      • <ul><li>WHOA!!!!!!
        • <ul><li>I think you get the idea
    • But DON'T forget to close the </ul> when you're completely done!!!!! </ul>
Ok.. so we've got the basics.. but what of it ..right? hmmmm.. good question.. .. well you see how it obviously has an advantage for presentation purposes.. it makes things neat and tidy.. *No Felix Unger jokes guys!!!* But.. we can also make things into an ORDERED list.. such as so..
  1. <ol><li>hmmmm..
  2. <li>this has possibilities...
    1. <ol><li>right?
      1. <ol><li>please don't tell me I'm the only one that can see them?

Ok.. so we've got the basics and what they can do.. care to go for something a bit fancier?

  1. <ol type="I"><li>now what is she doing?
  2. <li>it's gotta be something!
  3. <li>OH!!! Now I get it!
  4. <li>Roman numerals!!! </ol>

YUP! You've got the idea!!! That basically covers ordered and unordered lists! I almost think anything else beyond is more than I really want to type out.. *yup.. even I get lazy once in awhile! lol*

ok.. now our section is for blockquotes. .. what are those? I bet you're asking yourself.. hard to explain.. easier to show!..

Let's say you're typing along.. and you suddenly find yourself talking about something you want to stand out a little bit.. but not in large fonts.. or bold.. just something to set it off a bit to be different from the rest of the page.. otherwise you'll have, once again.. lots of text.. and nothing to break up the monotony.. like right now.. I'm just droning.. and droning.. along.. *stop me anytime.. PLEASE!!!!*

In this section you will learn how to create an area of text that is not going to line up to the left.. and make for a great deal of eyestrain reading. Presentation is everything in the Web. This is just another form of presentation.

On that note.. start thinking where you want your next ordered.. unordered.. lists.. or blockquotes to be... I think you'll like the outcome.

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