
Horizontal rules are really nifty things.. they create lines on your pages... Sounds boring I know.. but it sure breaks up the monotony of a text document.. or it seperates different sections of a really long page.

cool!!!! and hey! you know what? you don't have to close it! *bonus!*

But.. what if you don't want a line running all the way across your page.. hmmmm .. well there's a way around that! Let's add something into that <hr> .. let's add this!
<hr width=50%>

neat.. it made it's width shorter!... hee hee.. horizontal rules tend to default to the center as a tip.. sooooooo.. we can force it to either the left.. or the so.
<hr width=50% align=left>

<hr width=50% align=right>

You want it shorter still? just put a smaller number than 50% into there.. or if you want it larger.. put a larger number.

Hmmm..maybe.. you don't want a skinny line .. how about a fat one instead?
<hr size=50%>

Or.. we can create something like this
<hr width=50% size=50%>

If these look a bit plain on a white background, then you really need to give it a try when you add a bgcolor to your body tag.. the hr's will look like indents, and add a very nice touch w/out being too flashy at times.

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