
Text Size and Attributes

There are usually two sets of tags for every command. The opening tag which tells the browser what to do, and the closing tag, which tells the browser to stop doing it. Closing tags are very important, or you end up with a big mess ;-) .. so let's start now shall we?

<b><i>bold italics</b></i>
<br>line break *does not require a closing tag* this is what drops text down one more line.
<p>paragraph *does not require a closing tag* this is what creates a paragraph.
<blink>blink</blink> *this one looks neat.. but be careful using it too much.. it can be disconcerting.. and it has been known to send epileptics into seizures if used too much on a page.*
There's a couple of other ones such as emphasize, strong, and things like that.. but they LOOK exactly like the bold command.. so..*shrug*

Easy so far eh?

Now we get into text sizes.. how big do you want it? There are two ways of doing it.. headers and font sizing... both are easy once you get the hang of it.


Header 1


Header 2


Header 3


Header 4


Header 5

Header 6
That's as far as those headers go!

<font size=+1>font size 1</font>
<font size=+2>font size 2</font>
<font size=+3>font size 3</font>
<font size=+4>font size 4</font>
<font size=+5>font size 5</font>
<font size=+6>font size 6</font>
*hee hee hee.. in case you haven't figured it out.. the last three sizes look so very similar.. are they different? Nope, not really.. anything past <font size=+4> is basically a waste of effort.**

Now you can also reverse the font sizing.. watch...
<font size=-4>font size minus 4</font>
<font size=-3>font size minus 3</font>
<font size=-2>br>font size minus 2</font>
<font size=-1>font size minus 1</font>

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