Movie Review Archives

The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - B-

- Extremely corny, but that's what R&B were. Plenty of plot problems but they are commented on at length. Good for a light matinee.

Almost Famous - A

- Despite a couple of problems late in the film, this is an immensely charming film that will probably stay with me for quite a while and makes up for the flaws. Wonderful performances and soundtrack.

American Pie - **

Analyze This - *** 1/2

Antz - *** 1/2

Anywhere but Here - *** or B

As Good As It Gets - ** 1/2

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - ***

The Avengers - **

Babe: Pig in the City - *** 1/2

BASEketball - ***

Being John Malkovich - **** or A+

Best in Show - A-

- Wonderful performances by the usual suspects from Waiting for Guffman but just a smidge less funny than that film.

The Big Hit - **

The Big Kahuna - B

- Wonderful acting by Spacey and DeVito in a film that was definitely based on a play.

The Big Lebowski - *** 1/2

Blade - ***

The Blair Witch Project - ****

Bowfinger - *** 1/2

Bring it On - B-

- Better than I expected on many occasions (I am an unabashed fan of Dunst and Dushku) but exactly what I expected on other occasions.

Bringing Out the Dead- *** 1/2

Chicken Run - A

- The animated film of the year (most likely, anyway). Nick Park has done it again and congratulations to the best company in the theatrical animation business, DreamWorks.

Cookie's Fortune - ****

The Corruptor - **

Dark City - ****

Deep Impact - ***

Desperate Measures - **

Dick - *** 1/2

Dinosaur - C+

- Old tired plot, probably the most boring computer animated feature ever.

Dirty Work - ***

Dr. Dolittle - ***

Dogma - ** or C-

Election - ****

Elizabeth - *** 1/2

Enemy of the State - ***

Entrapment - ** 1/2

Erin Brockovich - A

Fantasia 2000 - C

- Old formula, barely anything new worth seeing other than the Hirschfeld segment.

Gladiator - B

- Crowe is great though it's a tad been-there, done-that. Not Scott's best but not his worst either.

Go - *** 1/2

Godzilla - **

Gone with the Wind - ****

Great Expectations - ** 1/2

High Fidelity - A

Hope Floats - **

The Iron Giant - *** 1/2

Jackie Brown - ****

The Kid - C+

- Still better than Sixth Sense and darker at times than most Disney but ultimately schmaltzy fluff and nothing more.

The Ladies' Man - C-

- Funny sketch, so-so movie. Your usual SNL flick.

The Legend of Drunken Master - A-

- Jackie Chan at his best, plain and simple. If you see one Chan movie... well you know the rest.

Life is Beautiful - ****

Loser - B-

- Starts out promisingly but falls into the old "characters do stupid things because the plot needs them to be apart" tripe. Likable stars, bad, nearly offensive plot (see Where the Heart Is).

Lost in Space - ** 1/2

Mafia! - ** 1/2

Magnolia - **** or A

The Man in the Iron Mask - ** 1/2

Man on the Moon - **** or A-

The Mask of Zorro - *** 1/2

The Matrix - *** 1/2

Me, Myself and Irene - A-

Mr. Magoo - * 1/2

Mr. Nice Guy - ** 1/2

Mulan - *** 1/2

The Mummy - ** 1/2

Muppets from Space - ***

Mystery Men - ***

A Night at the Roxbury - **

Notting Hill - ** 1/2

Nurse Betty - A

- Oscar-worthy script and Oscar-worthy performances from Zellweger, Kinnear and especially Freeman. LaBute is turning out to be one a heck of a fine director.

The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps - C+

- Undeniably hilarious and brilliant performance(s) by Eddie Murphy... but the script, oh the script. This is definitely the American Pie Weitz brothers and not the Antz Weitz brothers. Some great stuff here but it doesn't quite gel when put together. And some of it is totally unneeded (see Dogma).

Office Space - ***

The Original Kings of Comedy - B+

- Spike Lee could direct this movie in his sleep. Anyone who has heard about Bamboozled knows this guy has long since "jumped the shark" but Harvey, Hughley, Cedric and Mac are four of the funniest men around.

Out of Sight - ****

Payback - * 1/2

A Perfect Murder - ***

Pleasantville - ****

Pokemon The Movie 2000 - D-

- The sooner this fad is over, the better. Worst movie of the year. And parents thought my generation's cartoons were bad.

The Prince of Egypt - ****

Princess Mononoke - **** or A

Quest for Camelot - **

Remember the Titans - C+

- I was right when I interned on this movie, it is as mediocre as they come. Terribly predictable script but great acting overall.

The Replacement Killers - ** 1/2

Rush Hour - ** 1/2

Rushmore - *** 1/2

Saving Private Ryan - ****

Scream 2 - *** 1/2

Scream 3 - C

Shakespeare in Love - *** 1/2

Shanghai Noon - B

- Chan and Wilson save the so-so plot and then some.

Sleepy Hollow - ** 1/2 or C

Small Soldiers - ***

South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut - ***

Space Cowboys - C+

- See Remember the Titans except for the "I worked on it" stuff.

Star Trek: Insurrection - **

The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition - ****, ****, *** 1/2

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - *** 1/2

The Straight Story - *** 1/2 or A-

The Talented Mr. Ripley - A-

- Fantastic performance by Damon, one of the best classic thrillers in a long time. Beautiful cinematography.

Tarzan - *** 1/2

There's Something About Mary - *** 1/2

The Thin Red Line - ***

Three Kings - *** 1/2

Titan A.E. - B+

- Fantastic animation and a great cast. Just when the film starts to go downhill, the finale more than makes up for it.

Titanic - ***

Tomorrow Never Dies - ***

Toy Story 2 - *** 1/2 or B+

Trekkies - *** 1/2

The Truman Show - ****

2001: A Space Odyssey - ****

Unbreakable - B+

- Well-photographed, Hitchcockian improvement from Shymalan's previous little movie. I think there were ghosts in it, perhaps you heard of it. The ENTIRE MOVIE is a better surprise than the gimmick ending of Sixth Sense. Too bad the last five minutes were so shoddily handled. As usual Samuel L. Jackson is fantastic. Willis is only somewhat better than in Sixth Sense -- in other words I had the urge to check his pulse less often here.

Wag the Dog - ****

The Wedding Singer - *** 1/2

What Dreams May Come - ***

The Wizard of Oz Special Edition - ****

Wonder Boys - A-

The World is Not Enough - *** or B-

The X-Files - *** 1/2

X-Men - B+

- The best big budget film of summer '00. Bryan Singer and the cast (excepting Halle Berry) are superb and I can't wait for the sequel.

You've Got Mail - ***

Other Movies Seen 1998 (on video)

The Alarmist - ***

Blues Brothers 2000 - * 1/2

Buffalo '66 - ****

Clay Pigeons - ** 1/2

Clockwatchers - *** 1/2

Good Will Hunting - *** 1/2

The Last Days of Disco - *** 1/2

Love and Death on Long Island - *** 1/2

The Opposite of Sex - *** 1/2

PI - ***

Primary Colors - *** 1/2

The Spanish Prisoner - *** 1/2

Zero Effect - *** 1/2

Other Movies Seen 1999 (in budget theatres or on video)

8MM - ***

American Movie - *** 1/2

Eyes Wide Shut - ***

In Dreams - *

The Limey - *** 1/2

Run Lola Run - *** 1/2

Tea with Mussolini - ** 1/2

Other Movies Seen 2000

Sweet and Lowdown - B

Where the Heart Is - C+

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