Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts

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AGSMA at Worldcon 2006
Cast Profiles
It's hot in Topeka
The cast list is located here

Character Profiles
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Mac Mac
Mac is an 8-year old child and the creator of Blooregard Q. Kazoo. He wears comfortable clothes and sports a green backpack. He is extremely bright, and mature for his age (though there’s a lot of kid in him). He is polite and fair-minded to others, friendly, good at problem-solving, and intuitive. Although he will go wild occasionally (he’s still a kid), he is a voice of reason and always the first to attempt to (unsuccessfully) stop Bloo’s wild shenanigans. However, he is protective of his friends and becomes as hot-headed as Bloo when provoked. He is very close to Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo and Coco, and is often an indispensable help to Frankie.
Blooregard Q. Kazoo (Bloo) Blooregard Q. Kazoo (Bloo)
Blooregard Q. Kazoo (full title) is Mac’s imaginary friend. He is a blue blob, with arms as needed (no feet). His love of mischief and his extraordinarily overblown ego often get the better of him. Competitive, manipulative and attention-seeking to a fault, he often falls quite short on the moral spectrum. However, he is Mac’s best friend, and very attached to Wilt, Coco and Eduardo. His sarcastic and witty nature often lands him in trouble (especially with Frankie), and he depends upon Mac and the other friends to get him out of it.
Wilt Wilt
Wilt is one of Mac and Bloo’s best friends. He is very tall, has a broken left eye and a stub for a left arm. Good sportsmanship, friendship, respect and fair play are his most important values. As such, Wilt is very pleasant, extremely friendly and overly helpful. He will cheerfully compromise himself in order to help other friends, a trait that Bloo often exploits. His easy-going attitude and fair nature make him extremely popular within the Fosters house. He hates to do anything negative, such as lie, be mean, or even say “no” to others who ask for his help. He is very attached to Mac, Bloo, Eduardo and Coco, and an indispensable help to Frankie.
Eduardo Eduardo
Eduardo is one of Mac and Bloo’s best friends. He is large and “monster-ish” in appearance and speaks English with a heavy Spanish accent. Despite his appearance, he is very timid, gullible, easy to frighten, and cries at the drop of a hat. He is known to the rest of the house as a “big scaredy-cat,” a title that he resents. Though he shows a tougher side when provoked beyond endurance, all attempts to instill bravery ultimately result in failure; he is afraid of everything. He enjoys playing with stuffed animals, adores “Señor Mac,” and is very attached to “Señor Azul (Bloo), Señor Wilt and Señorita Coco.” Eduardo is very friendly, but is easily offended (especially when called a chicken).
Coco Coco
Coco is one of Mac and Bloo’s best friends. She is part airplane, part bird, part tree and has humanoid feet. Despite her appearance, her most distinguishing feature is that she speaks and writes only using the word “Coco.” However, she is understood by everyone. When excited/scared/angry, she lays large Easter-like plastic eggs that contain random useful/non-useful prizes. Coco is, for the most part, totally insane and nonsensical. However, she occasionally displays great intuitiveness and cunning, especially when she wants things to go her way. She is very attached to Mac, Bloo, Wilt and Eduardo.
Frankie Frankie Foster
Frankie (Frances) Foster is the granddaughter of Madame Foster, founder of Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends. Frankie is the sole caretaker of the entire house and its 1,340 friends. Her duties include cooking, cleaning, driving, doctoring and advertising. As such, she is mostly run ragged and tired/cranky as a result. While she wants to be as maternal as possible, she often becomes an “enforcer,” especially to Bloo. Nevertheless, Frankie manages to maintain a positive outlook on life, and is friendly and nurturing most of the time. She interacts frequently with Mac, Bloo, Wilt, Coco and Eduardo, and depends on Mac and Wilt to be the voices of reason in the group.
Richie Wildebrat Richie Wildebrat
Richie is Mac’s obnoxious schoolmate and the creator of Blake Superior. His preppy clothes, mannerisms and disdain for others suggest that his family is very wealthy and well-connected. He has an enormous superiority complex, and spends his days telling everyone about Blake Superior’s amazing accomplishments. Mac resents Richie for this reason, and their antagonism comes to a head in the episode “Hiccy Burp,” where they strive for the title of “Best Imaginary Friend” by pitting their imaginary friends against each other in a talent pageant.
Blake Superior Blake Superior
Blake Superior is Richie Wildebrat’s imaginary friend. He is tall, wears a superhero costume and is able to fly. According to Richie, Blake is a superhero—Richie claims that Blake has been knighted, serves first pitches at baseball games, rescues burning buildings/sinking ships, and does people’s taxes, to name but a few feats. Blake Superior rarely speaks for himself, as Richie does all the talking/praising for him. In the episode “Hiccy Burp,” Richie and Blake Superior resent the notion that Mac and Bloo would dare challenge Blake’s title as the “best imaginary friend,” and they compete with Bloo in a talent pageant.
Cheese Cheese
Cheese is an imaginary friend created by Mac’s young neighbor. He debuted in the episode “Mac Daddy”. Cheese is utterly insane, random, disgusting (poops and vomits randomly), makes strange noises, speaks nonsense and generally behaves like an overgrown infant. Cheese is not a foster friend at Fosters; he lives with his owner. However, he always manages to get into the Fosters house and create chaos. Cheese’s random behavior and strange comments have made him an enormously popular character in the series, but a source of stress and mayhem for the other Fosters characters, particularly Frankie, Bloo and Mac.

Mac Photoshoot

Bloo Photoshoot

Eduardo Photoshoot (Courtesy of

Frankie Photoshoot (Courtesy of

Blake Superior Photoshoot (Courtesy of

Cheese: I have gingivitis!
The Cheese Stands Alone is a production by GAP and AGSMA ©.

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