Anacor -
Major Deity
Deity of: Human civilization and humanities. Progress.
Form: A meditative man in gray.
Colours: grey
Cardinal Direction: West.  West is the pure expression of 'what is to come' and emphatically forward looking.  Symbolically, it is where the sun is headed to.  See theology for more details.
Alignment: Neutral Neutral, primarily due to the 'balance' element of Anacor's philosophy and the belief that all knowledge, art and technology is worthwhile.  It should be noted that the other 'Neutral Neutral' deity in the pantheon, Dorenne, is almost diametrically opposed to Anacor.
Church and Following: This church encompasses the elements that make up the basis of human civilization. Included are the arts and sciences, the artisans and merchants, the scholars and thinkers and the revolutionaries. Unlike most churches, this church strongly emphasizes human achievements and progress made by clear thinking. It believes that all beliefs (alignments for those that use them) are essential for proper human advancement. Humanity can only improve itself and aid from the deities can only be of limited use without the proper abilities to utilize this help.
Literature, scholarly meditation, technology, trade, thought-provoking art and education are essential tools this church believes form the very foundation of civilization and progress. Governments, it should be noted, are usually viewed as impediments to progress. Order is perceived as necessary for building and communication. Chaos serves the function of inducing progress and new thinking. Anacor supports the underdog in any serious imbalance between 'law' and 'chaos' (if your GM runs that sort of game world).
The bulk of Anacor's following is educated. Scholars provide the thinking and merchants provide the money that powers this church. The common peasantry usually does not understand this church and prefers flashier and simpler deities that offer god-inspired answers, emotional support and entertaining stories. Governments distrust Anacor's belief that humans are better entrusted to take care of themselves.
This church usually has a respectable amount of power. The merchant class depends on this church to defend its interests, and funds it heavily. Scholars and thinkers enjoy this churches' devotion to keeping government censorship out of their lives. With powerful debating skills and a solid financial base, this church wields great power in cities. The countryside usually is totally uninterested in Anacor.
Church and State:  Governments tend to view Anacor's followers as a 'necessary evil'.  There is considerable distrust on both sides, with Anacor's followers fearful and resentful of state censorship and taxation on one hand and state fear of the church of Anacor's often revolutionary ideas and thinkers.
In many respects, the House of Anacor is both the most likely to be attacked by a government (OK, Harpan probably has it worse) and the most likely to be called upon for aid.  As a general rule, good governments get along well with, or at least tolerate, the House of Anacor.  Better governments can easily weather the eternal sniping of the House of Anacor's more radical members.  Bad governments rightly fear the forces that the church of Anacor bring to bear against them, for it is at these times that the church of Anacor's revolutionary elements grow popular.
Governments run by followers of Anacor tend to be unobtrusive. These areas usually become prosperous financially and have flourishing arts and culture. The military under a follower of Anacor run government is usually not large but is aided by good roads, funding and communication. Such governments have a very good life expectancy but eventually fall to more conquest-minded people.
Relations within the Pantheon: Anacor's strong patronage of the arts often, but not always, compliments that of the House of Jivanor.  There is a fundamental difference between the two, however.  Anacor patronizes 'high', thought provoking, technically complex or challenging art.  Jivanor's churches support the popular or more entertaining arts.  None of this should suggest that one is inherently better than the other (something most priests of Anacor and Jivanor would agree with), simply that they have different aims.  There is, however, considerable cross-over in many areas.
Within the pantheon the strongest opposition to Anacor comes from Dorenne (also neutral neutral for those that use alignments).  Dorenne is fundamentally naturalistic and views humanity as part and parcel of the natural world, or body of Oram.  Dorenne's followers view Anacor as the destroyer of the natural balance. They also dislike the enthusiasm Anacor's followers show for intellectual, artistic and technological pursuits - viewing them as unnatural.
Priests of other houses in the pantheon have varying and mixed views on Anacor.  Considerable respect and a certain amount of protection is given to the house of Anacor because of Larnooth's (minor deity, House of Anacor - see below) role as 'guardian of the Ascensa-Illuminat', the primary holy work of the pantheon.
In general, Jivanor and Kreav have a lot in common with Anacor and will support this church in times of need.  The firm belief in the House of Anacor that all the deities are essential to a well-balanced society makes it the only respectable church that will rise to the aid of the commonly-reviled House of Harpan on any regular basis, a fact well-noted (and appreciated) by the House of Harpan.
The warrior churches of Seandac and Graal have a love-hate relationship with the followers of Anacor.  The fruits of Anacor's considerable experteise are well appreciated, but all too often these firmly lawful and conservative churches run head on into Anacor's more free-thinking (and acting) followers.
Anacor and Priests: Priests of Anacor are usually very well educated. They are often wise in business matters and often the church will invest in local businesses, though usually not openly for fear of state reprisals or popular resentment.
Other priests devote themselves to meditations and scholarly pursuits. This church produces the best meditative drugs specifically to cater to their thinkers and philosophers, but do not encourage use for recreational or entertainment purposes.
On occasion, Anacor's followers become involved in revolutionary activities when a government is too strong.
Priests of Anacor can expect the have the greatest resources available in terms of information and often (but not always) in money making opportunities. Priests are expected to earn their own money early on, but once proven successful, the opportunities can be good (provided the government does not interfere). It should be noted, though, that most of the money gained by a priest of Anacor will be put into church-related activities and it is rare to find a true priest that gains wealth for personal enrichment.
Further information:  View a sword based on a House of Anacor missionary order model.


Monix -
Minor Deity, House of Anacor
Deity of: Business and merchants.
Form: An intense, heavyset man.
Colours: Silver and gold.
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Church and Following: The followers of Monix come to pray for good business and prosperity. Obviously, Monix is popular in towns.
Priests of Monix are noted for their business acumen. Their costly advice is frequently sought by businessmen in need. In some parts (it is banned in many countries), these priests own and operate their own businesses.
This is one of the most difficult priesthoods to gain admittance to. Training is long and difficult and any priest failing to show a true business sense will be moved to another church in the house of Anacor.
Priests of Monix can expect to accrue a reasonable fortune for their churches during their lifetimes, and to do well personally.
Monix and Priests: The GM should allow some leeway here in assuming business prowess and should give priests some related skills (non-weapon proficiencies).


Larnooth -
Minor Deity, House of Anacor
Deity of: Scholars and learning.
Form: A stooped, serious man. Carries the Quill of Enlightenment and a copy of the Ascensa-Illuminat.
Colours: Grey and black.
Church and Following: Scholars of all stripes and kinds owe some allegiance to Larnooth. Larnooth encourages learning of all kinds, regardless of content or slant.
Priests of Larnooth are noted for building and running schools and for shielding scholars from official persecution. Libraries and presses are also often controlled or supported by this church.
Church and State:  Naturally this church is rarely liked by the authorities, but it is not without its defences. Many of ministers in any court will have been educated by a Larnooth school and tend to shield this church with their influence. The economic might of Anacor is also brought to bear when trouble looms. Most importantly, other churches will rise to Larnooth's defence as Larnooth is the guardian of the holy Ascensa-Illuminat.
Larnooth and Priests:  This priesthood is always very well educated and often provides much of sagely advice sought on arcane subjects. Skill choices for players are always literate and scholarly.


Texar -
Minor Deity, House of Anacor
Deity of: Engineering, practical artisanry and technology.
Form: A stout man carrying the Hammer of Building.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Church and Following: In smaller and less advanced areas, artisans make up the entire following of Texar. In more advanced areas the following may include engineers, architects, builders of mechanical devices, etc.
Priests and Texar:  Priests are devoted to human advancement through building and devising better ways to perform tasks.


Rabacaine -
Minor Deity, House of Anacor
Deity of: Change and Revolution.
Form: It changes at random intervals or none.
Colours: Paisley.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Church and Following: The following of Rabacaine is small except during revolutions.
Priests are devoted to change; in order to bring new thinking, and hence, progress. They always pit themselves against the status quo and will always seek to re-invigorate existing structures. Their attempts and strategy may vary widely from armed revolt to merely bizarre and surrealistic acts. They may join sides in a conflict with anyone seeking change, be they 'lawful good' or 'chaotic evil' (again - for the alignment minded).
This church will not even exist in many areas, with reasons ranging from official persecution to complete disinterest on the part of the locals.
It should be noted that Rabacaine figured quite prominantly in the Ascensa-Illuminat and is common in folk and bard tales.
Church and State: Needless to say, any lawful institution will actively seek to stop this church from operating.
Relations within the Pantheon: This church differs from that of Jivanor. For Jivanor, fun, goodness and joy are the primary aims. Rabacaine is interested only in change, be it good or evil.
Rabacaine and Priests: Some priests may act normally in all respects and may devote their lives to one or a few changes in the status quo. Other priests are dedicated surrealists, doing as many bizarre acts as possible in one day. Most priests float in between the two extremes.
Priests of Rabacaine have the most interesting of the special abilities conferred by deities. The Priest may opt to cast a random spell. This spell may never have even been heard of before by the priest. The problem is this: the priest has no control over what the spell is or its area of effect. The only given is that the spell will not harm the spell castor directly. This may, however, be extremely damaging to friends or travelling companions. They may even opt to attack the spell castor while under the effect of this spell. Another (large) possibility is that the spell will be totally useless, resulting in say, all the candles in a nearby house being blown out. The spell cast and area of effect are determined randomly by the GM.
TetraQ RPG: The number of blest (ð - eth) points cast on the spell will either be the maximum that the character has, or the minimum needed to cast the spell. Touch spells are also randomized, resulting in, say, an enemy being healed or a cow having a religious experience. At best, this spell can be truly devastating to an enemy.

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