QuaSyLaTic Model / Thinking

VISION : Quality Organisations Make Quality Society

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Life Planning Coach - "The Hexagon of Life"<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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To share knowledge gained with Internet community in the form of articles writing as follow. The articles do not reflect any particular organisation, but more a general observation of many organisations. Please forward your views / comments for further mutual learning.

The Knowledge in the form of Concept, Values, Philosophy, Principles, Methodology etc. should be furthter explored, experimented, applied ... in order to create a Quality Society.

Top of Titles : A Set of 10 Titles Go to First 50 articles [A]-[B] Go to [F] | [G] | [H] | [I]

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Set [J] :Go to Top of Titles

Key Words / Key Concepts for these and subsequent articles

[Dr. Deming] [Dr. Peter Senge] [Dr. Alvin Toffler] [Dr. Edward de Bono] [Confucius][Yin /Yang] [Dr. Stephen Covey] [TQM] [ISO 9000] [ISO 14000] [QCC][Kaizen] [Motivation] [Leadership] [ReEngineering] [Vision] [Methodology] [Philosophy] [Quality] [Organisation] [System Theory][System Forces] [System Thinking][Fragmented, Box Thinking] [Maslow's Law] [Mental Model] [Fishbone] [Pareto] [Shared Values] [Principles] [Organisation Learning] [Individualism][Collective Leadership] [Paradigm] [Illusion] [Integration] [Alignment][Chaos][Complexity][Emergence] [Change Agents] [Process Control][Borderless Society] [Pattern Recognition] [Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle] [Von Foerster's Theorem][Robert Fritz's Laws of Organisation Structure] [Virtual Community]

Andrew Wong

(Business System Designer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

Note: "Business" is defined as processing of Knowledge into Wisdom

Visitor Number, since 1st Sept. 96

COPYRIGHT 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001

© 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000 eMail-Andrew Wong

QuaSyLaTic Knowledgebase

QuaSyLaTic Investment Knowledge

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