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Dennis Valdron
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Dennis Valdron is Maritime born and lives in The Pas, Manitoba. His short fiction has been published in Interzone, On Spec, Transversions, After Dark, Terminal Fright, Northern Fusion, among others.  Dennis has authored two series of chapbooks; Icons a 120,000 word collection of six horror chapbooks, and Lite Fancies, a 50,000 word collection of three funny fantasy chapbooks. You can find the remnants of  Spacerunners: Backstage at the Future, his experimental multimedia book chronicling the rise and fall of a cult television series,  at Dennis also has writing credits for two short films: Starwatchers and Foreign Body.

Dennis is a fellow Lexxian. Along with three of his Lexx contributions that I found online (see links column), Dennis has the distinction of being the writer of the greatest Lexx book never published. Here is the blurb....

by Dennis Valdron
A heady mix of comedy, sex, and groundbreaking special effects, LEXX is the bizarre, twisted, and downright outrageous Sci-Fi Channel series following the harrowing exploits of a sentient spaceship and its crew of misfits. Here, at last, is a complete, full-authorized guide to all 57 episodes and the four original TV movies, packed with exclusive cast and crew interviews and some eye-popping photos!"

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Last updated February 06, 2003