So far we have :

A calendar

A Map and a list of named place(west side up)

A Fauna

A Flora

Some gods

Base of society(CSS example)

How Gods created the world?

An ASCII map(North side up)

Naming the characters politic

A galery of photo

You want to see how we imaginated the world...go there

Stories and Legends

Unit of distance



That place is slightly above the under water town of Blaring Ship.


That is at hight tide, when the water of the sea reach to fill in the Gardearm river. At low tide, there is a waterfall instead, falling into the sea.


That is a town on the other side of the Force Field, it is yet to be discovered


That is the vision most Jabalt have of Barrubh, capital of the Vilem Empire. Two feet in the Sandsea desert.

The little flashes you see are not a defect, but fiber optic shining under the sun.