Experience God through Obedience
3.   How can I know whether the word I receive is from God, my own selfish desires, or Satan?

Some people go through much pains to identify and study the things that appear to be a deception of Satan.  Don't do that.

Be determined to focus on God and Jesus Christ and not Satan.  He is already defeated.  The way Satan can affect God's work through you is when you believe Satan and disbelieve God.  Satan will always try to deceive you but he can never thwart what God purposes to do.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Mounties, train men in anti-counterfeiting work.  They never let a trainee see a counterfeit bill.  They know only one genuine type of ten-dollar bill exists.  They so thoroughly study the genuine bill that anything that does not measure up to that is counterfeit.

You can't imagine all the ways people can counterfeit money.  But you can study the real thing and anything that doesn't measure up is counterfeit.

So, how do you approach spiritual warfare with Satan?  Know the ways of God so thoroughly that if something doesn't measure up to God's ways, turn away from it.  Jesus (Matt 4:1-11) never discussed with Satan, never analyzed it, He just knew God's word and kept doing it until God Himself told Him what to do next.


4.  Does God have one plan for my life for eternity?

This is something that bothers everyone.  Does God plan for your life for eternity and then turn you loose to work out His plan?  NO, absolutely not.

God's plan is for us to have a relationship with Him.  Remember what I said over and over again.  We are called to a love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We will get into trouble when we try to get God to tell us if He wants us to be a Christian business person, a music director, a preacher or a missionary.

God doesn't usually give you a one-time assignment and leave you there forever.  He may place you in one job for a long time but God's assignments come to you on a daily basis.

He calls you to a relationship where He is Lord - where you are willing to do and be anything He chooses.  If you will respond to Him as Lord, He may lead you to do and be things you would never ever dream of.

If you don't follow Him as Lord, then you may lock yourself into a job or assignment and never experience what God wants to really do in your life through you.

I've heard people say things like:  "God called me to be a ... so this other thing couldn't possibly be His will."  Or "My spiritual gift is ... so this ministry couldn't be God's will for me."

God will never give you an assignment that He will not, at the same time, enable you to complete it.  That is what a spiritual gift is - a supernatural empowering to accomplish the assignment God gives you.

Don't focus on your talents, abilities, and interests in determining God's will.  I have heard people say, "I would really like to do that; therefore, it must be God's will."  This kind of response is self-centered.  You need to be God-centered.

When Jesus is Lord, your response will be something like this:

Lord, I will do anything that your kingdom requires of me.  Wherever you want me to be, I'll go.  Whatever the circumstances, I'm willing to follow.  If you want me to meet a need through my life, I am your servant;  and I will do whatever is required.
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