
Bocage 2001

Helm's Deep 2002

NZ Wars 2003

Sword Beach 2003

Club Displays

Wargaming shows are a feature of the calendar for the hobby, and Phoenix members are no strangers to the shows in the Scottish area. We frequently put on display games making use of the various interests of club members.

Having developed a portable sand-table, we have the ability to put on a slightly more 3 dimensional terrain than the average show, as the photos from previous years illustrate. This however, is just the beginning, and grandiose plans are being hatched even as you read this for future years displays.

For 2001 we put on a bocage game based on the fighting around Caan.

2002 saw us continue the Lord of the Rings theme, with the battle of Helm's deep, whose foundations can be traced on the DIY Sand Table page.

2003 was slightly less well planned, as the anticipated Marengo game had to be cancelled at a late stage. Ever flexible, Peter Clarke rushed to fill the gap, and we made use of his magnificent figures and self developed fire in the fern rules to put on a small New Zealand Wars demonstration. The rules are also available for your use on this site.

2004 was our most recent event, with a near two year effort culminating in the 18 x 6 foot (6 x 2m) sand table display showing the Sword Beach - Queen sector of D-Day. The display was a combined effort with the Greenock Wargames Club