
Campaign Map

Margins =A4 L+R=3.39 T=10 B=5

Army Lists

All Armies

Mordor The Witch King Rohan Dunland Gondor Lorien Dwarves Dale Sauruman Orcs Easterlings Harad Mirkwood

Printable Army Lists

All Armies

Margins =A4 L+R=3.39 T=16.93 B=12.7

Lord of the Rings

In honour of the release of the Lord of the Rings Movies (filmed in sunny New Zealand) Club members engaged in a Campaign based loosely on the books and using modifications from the Armati rules. We took the army lists directly from a website designed by a wargaming club in New Zealand, the excellent Waitakere Miniature Wargames Society site, the lists were designed by Mr David Billinghurst .

Back in rainy Glasgow, it came as quite a shock to see one of our clubs most well stocked Ancients army collectors (Paul Innes) suddenly produce enough fantasy figures in 25mm to ensure a visually exciting game every evening for a good number of weeks. We thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, and should you want to give it a whirl yourselves, the campaign map, rule amendments and army lists (in the traditional layout) are included in the column to the right of screen

For those more interested in how it panned out, well the short answer is that those in favour of pottering round the garden overcame those more inclined to a bit of a bevvie session after the fitba. Some have suggested that actually, the wood-elves of Mirkwood managed to get the ring to Mount Doom after a climactic battle at the foot of the mountain, but I'm not sure they were involved in the same game.

There was some debate about whether Galadriel (for she had joined her woodland kin) was actually intending on destroying the ring, but as this was deemed to be out with the spirit of the game, and it was time to pack up anyway.

Top strategy tip from the campaign, although not a particularly revolutionary one it must be said, is that 'Heavy Foot Infantry' are particularly vulnerable to the 'Elvish Agincourt', and as such, the wanton wastage of what little skirmish troops available to Mordor, Sauruman et-al in the very first engagement is not the best approach to take in the long-run. It should perhaps also be noted that as an expendable screen to cover deployment, orc-ish heavy foot are not to be recommended.

One of the highlights of the campaign was testing a new method of choosing terrain. Armati uses a points based system -3 pt per W (wood) or RG (rough ground), 2 per SH (steep Hill) and 1 per GR (gentle rise) - which tends to leave blank battlefields or smaller armies (not the point in such a campaign!)

We tried using a copy of an old Table-Top Games publication (see postal links to left of screen) with 100 pre-generated battlefields. Each player declared either open, intermediate, or close terrain preference if both chose the same, they got it, anything else meant intermediate was selected. This made for much more involved games than Armati players may be used to and we thoroughly recommend it!

Our own campaign suggestions