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Gaius Julius Caesar
Roman General and Statesman
* July 12 or 13, 100 BC Rome, Italy    + March 15, 44 BC


       "AVE CESARE"

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Known for Conquering Celtic Gaul and invading Britain.
Beginning Rome's transition from Republic to Empire.
• 65 BC Won election to the office of curule aedile, a director of public works; went into debt by sponsoring elaborate gladiatorial games to advance his political career
• 63 BC Was named Pontifex Maximus, head of the state religion.
• 60 BC Allied himself with consuls Pompey and Crassus to form the First Triumvirate, in which the three men took power over different parts of the Roman world
• 59 BC Served as consul, one of two chief officials in the Roman Republic
• 58 BC Was appointed proconsul (Governor) of Roman Gaul
• 55, 54 BC Twice invaded Britain, in what was the first extension of Roman influence to that island
• 51 BC Suppressed a revolt in Gaul led by Vercingetorix, king of a powerful Gallic people known as the Arverni
• 49 BC Defied orders from Pompey and the Senate, and with his army crossed the Rubicon, a stream separating Gaul from Italy; conquered Italy, Spain, and then was named dictator of Rome
• 48 BC Defeated Pompey at Pharsalus in Greece
• 44 BC Was assassinated by a group of jealous senators including his onetime allies, Brutus and Cassius

Quote "I came, I saw, I conquered." 47 BC, on the occasion of a quick military victory against the king of Pontus in Asia Minor.

• Did You Know?    No previous Roman leader had held so many powerful offices simultaneously.

• In addition to his military prowess, Caesar was a gifted writer, poet, and scholar. He was one of the only orators of his time who could rival the Roman statesman Cicero.
• Caesar was the first Roman leader to issue coinage bearing his own likeness.
• Caesar decided to use a solar measure of time that became known as the Julian calendar; his system is the basis of the modern calendar.
• He changed the name of the month Quintilis to Julius (July), after himself.

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