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A guide to stop hair loss and re-grow hair.

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Hair loss has unquestionably become a matter of much concern, not only among males of all ages, but also among a growing number of females. 

Hair Loss Influences Men and Women

According to a recent survey, there are more than 50 million men suffering from some kind of hair loss in United States and Canada. Research shows most men describes hair loss as "depressing" or "stressful." and feel less attractive, insecure or past their prime. Many men feel that hair loss has changed their lives. Some feel it has ruined it. At the very least, they feel they have become different people because of loss of hair, or they have missed chances or let opportunities slip away because of the way they've felt about themselves and the way they look.

Women's situation isn't any better than men at all. Nearly 33 million women over age 18 in United States and Canada experience hair loss, thinning or balding. Yet, almost 40 percent of these women never expected it to happen to them. Most women with hair thinning are reluctant to admit the problem and keep from getting the help.

"I feel desperate and humiliated. I hardly go out. I no longer work. I have no social life." cried a woman suffering baldness. Research shows hair loss and baldness affects women more emotionally than it does men. Some women have reported feeling embarrassed, devastated, less feminine and sexy.

Dr. Jerry Shapiro, director of the Hair Research and Treatment Center in the University of British Columbia, Canada, illustrated how hair loss affects people and their lives: "When it comes to hair loss, we see people cry. We see grown men and women cry in our office."

Causes of Hair Loss

Combating hair loss and baldness can be extremely devastating. Hormonal imbalance, cosmetic damage, chemotherapy, medical side effects, stress, hygiene, diet, illness, and many other wellness-related factors might contribute to hair loss problems.

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair Loss Q&A tries to provide all the knowledge needed for prevention and successfully treating hair loss and baldness, explain the most frequently asked questions related to male pattern baldness, female hair thinning, hair loss treatments, hair regrowth products for men and women, like:

  • What is hair? How many hairs do I have?
  • How does hair grow? What is the hair growth cycle?
  • Why do men and women lose hair? How much hair will I lose?
  • What treatment options or products are available for male or female hair loss?
  • How can I expect my hair regrowth? Will it fall out again?

Hair Loss Research

A cure for baldness could be developed within 10 years, according to a University of British Columbia researcher. Read the full story "Cure for baldness 10 years away, scientists says".

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