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Blair Witch
Forrest Gump
Murder In The First
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Saving Private Ryan
Schindlers List
Silence Of The Lambs
Sixth Sense
Star Wars
Toy Story
Toy Story 2

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Since the day I watched my first movie to the present day, I have been fascinated by such spectacular films which we have been pleasantly blessed with.  Such films as George Lucas' 'STAR WARS' or Steven Spielbergs 'SCHINDLERS LIST' are clearly works or art,  Shocking yet truthful, imaginative and involving.

But like the adage 'There's always two sides to every story',  not every film is blessed with such ingenuity or the ingredients for repeated viewing.

Although I am not a voice of authority or should tell people what is good or bad, right or wrong I can express my opinion to what is a good viewing and those films, which should be avoided like kissing your hairy granny.

As time has moved on I have heard people saying 'The old Classics are still the best', I would agree to a certain degree but the constant changing of movies and the improvement of such films has made the movie industry a more enjoyable and profitable place.

Films which are made now are mostly remakes or have slight improvements on their originals due to the ever increasing technology, but there are always that odd few that stand out of the crowd, unable to be pinned down by those cheap and tacky B movies and it is these films that I am thankful for.

In1999 we had the 'BLAIR WITCH PROJECT", 'SIXTH SENSE', 'MATRIX', 'SAVING PRIVATE RYAN', and 'PHANTOM MENACE" and now we are going to be shown even more amazing films with such titles as 'EPISODE 2'

So here is my top 20, but they are not in order;

Star Wars - All three

Schindlers List - Directed by Steven Spielberg

Aliens - Directed by James Cameron

Sixth Sense

Forrest Gump




Blair Witch Project

Toy Story

Murder In The First

Silence Of The Lambs


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Toy Story 2



Saving Private Ryan
