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May 31, 2008
50th Class Reunion



Click this line for a printable PDF document the 50th Anniversary Events and Schedule 

Class of 1959
50th Class 

October 2 and 3, 2009

Click this line for a printable PDF document the 50th Anniversary Events and Schedule 

Dear Classmate,

Reunion reservation forms are still being received so if you have not sent yours in, please do so as soon as possible.  Deadline for sending money is September 1, 2009 but we need your reservation form now.

 Based on number already received, we are expecting a large crowd at every event.  We had an overflow problem for breakfast and changed the location.

 We are overwhelmed at the very nice door prizes that several classmates have volunteered to donate and you will be too.  Thank you very much!  If you would like to donate a door prize, please describe your contribution on the reservation form and then bring your donation with you to the reunion.

 We will not be able to accommodate last minute add-on’s at any of our events so please make it a point to send in your form to us if you want to be included.  If we do not receive your money by September 1, we will assume that you are not participating.

 Our schedule for the really fun weekend - all events very casual:

 Friday, Oct 2 -  7 p.m.  

Historic Huntsville Depot, 320 Church St. next to railroad tracks

Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres

Saturday, Oct 3 -  9:30  a.m.

Continental Breakfast - Dutch Treat (payable at the door)

Huntsville High School, 2304 Billie Watkins Ave.

Tour of the new school

Saturday, Oct 3 - 9 a.m. till 11  

                                                             Hiking for those who would like to go

                                          Goldsmith-Schiffman Wildlife Sanctuary in Hampton Cove

                                Margaret Ann will give you information and directions at Friday event

 Saturday, Oct 3 - 12:30 p.m.

                                                       Historic Huntsville Depot, 320 Church St.

                                                                 Bus tour of old and new Huntsville


Saturday, Oct 3 - 5:30 p.m.

    Early Works Museum, Corner of Madison and Gates

Cocktails, Gibson’s BBQ Meal, program

Reunion Band & Co.  featuring Richard Van Valkenburgh (Class of ‘60)

The cost is $100.00 per person and includes ALL events, ALL food, beverages and class memories CD.  Saturday breakfast is dutch treat.  Make check payable to:  HHS Class of 1959 and mail to Jo Anna G. Burkett, 653 Cap Adkins Road, Huntsville, Al. 35803.  The planning committee would appreciate an email “regret” notification from those who are not coming.

 Be sure to visit our Huntsville High School Class of 1959 web site.


Sam Tumminello is our webmaster and does a superior job keeping it up to date.  See if you can identify some of our classmates by their current looks!

Downtown hotels:  Embassy Suites, 800 Monroe St.,   256-539-7373 or Fax 256-539-7374

Downtown Holiday Inn,  401 Williams Ave.,   800-448-2296

 HHS59 contacts for use during reunion

Joyce Askew Joyce  256-337-6640,   Jo Anna Gowan Burkett  256-679-0538

Betty Vaughn Sisco Christian 256-426-7014    Anne Walker Forgey 256-679-4007

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