Stairway to Heaven * Heksen *
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H E K S E N ...

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine a world without witches,
A world with all people the same?
Where the only known dragons are hiding in book,
And children are terribly tame?

A world without magick would be sad indeed.
I cannot imagine the pain
Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus
Where wizards are dreamed of in vain.

Can you imagine a world without spells,
That science and business run?
And think of the sadness a unicorn feels
When he no longer plays in the sun

Can you imagine a world without witches,
No elves, and no magickal pools?
And can you imagine how dull it would be
If all that we had were the schools?

I cannot imagine a world without witches
A world with no magickal wand.
A world without beauty or even a dream,
Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond

They say I should grow up and be more mature,
Like a normal adult ought to do.
But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch
And I'll bet that you feel that way too.

By Robert F. Potts

hou de wet van drie in ere
je daden zullen driemaal keren
leer de wet en leer ook goed
dat wat je zaait, je oogsten moet


een stukje historie.

de moderne heks

het credo der heksen.

de 8 belangrijkste feesten.

en haar invloed.

de elementen, pentakel, tarot, runen enz..

in Nederland, Duitsland, Frankrijk, USA en Bolivia

Wicca en Druidisme vinden steeds meer overeenkomsten
Het samengaan van deze 2 stromingen wordt met de term `Druiderij` aangeduid.

voor als je meer te weten wil komen.



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