[Mazzetis Catering Services]

[Information about this Site]This is a fully functional web site for a fictional company, Mazzetis Catering Services... read more

[E-mail Us]For any questions, inquiries and suggestions about our services, E-mail Us.

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[We'll be Glad to Hear from You]For inquiries, questions and reservations, you can also contact us at our Toll Free Number: 1800-WESERVE.

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Recipe of the Week

"Savory Fried Rice"

[Savoury Fried Rice]Prepare for an Emperor's treat with this easy to cook, great tasting, and authentic Chinese recipe. View Recipe »

Tips of the Week

"Peeling the Shell Off an Egg"

[Peeling the Shell Off an Egg]To peel the shell off an egg, first crack the eggshell. Then immerse the egg in a cup of hot water and let it stay for a minute or two. The shell will loosen from the egg. Peel shell. View More Tips »


Can I modify the catering packages to suit my specifications?

Absolutely, our catering packages can be modified according to our clients needs or if you have a specified budget, we could create a package to suit your budget. Just tell us what you want and we'll arrange it for you.

What other services do you offer?

We also help our clients, free of charge, to find anything they want/need through our referrals and assist them in creating the most memorable event possible.

How do I make a reservation?

To make a reservation, you should fill-up our reservation form and pay forty (40) percent of the total amount of services you would like to avail at our office.

How do I cancel my reservation?

To cancel your reservation, you should contact or visit our office. Cancellation of your reservation should be made twenty (20) working days prior to the stated date of the event. A cancellation fee would be charged amounting to ten (10) percent of the total amount of services indicated in the reservation form and would be deducted to the reservation fee. Additional two (2) percent of the total amount would be charged for each working day beyond the stated cancellation period.

What will happen if I don't cancel my reservation?

Reservations which are not cancelled within five (5) working days would be charged the total amount of services indicated in the reservation form.

When should I pay for the remaining balance?

The remaining balance should be paid at least ten (10) working days prior to the stated date of the event at our office.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, but we only accept Visa, Master Card, and BPI at the moment.

Do you accept checks?

Our answer is it depends on the account, please contact us for complete details.

Do you give discounts?

Yes, subscribe to our newsletter and receive discounts, promotions and information on how to receive more discounts.

Can I move the specified date of the event?

Yes, but it has to be made at least five (5) working days prior to the stated date of the event and the new date must not exceed thirty (30) days from the original date of the event. The new date for the event will be subject to availability.

How many times can I move the date of the event?

We only allow the stated date of the event to be moved once.

Are there any other fees that I should pay?

No, our prices are inclusive of sales and government tax. We have no hidden charges.

© 2002 Mazzetis Catering Services. All rights reserved.

Web Design and Development by: Media Carnival

For comments, suggestions, and bug reports, Contact: Webmaster

Last Updated: September 26, 2002

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