[Mazzetis Catering Services]

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Recipe of the Week

"Savory Fried Rice"

[Savoury Fried Rice]Prepare for an Emperor's treat with this easy to cook, great tasting, and authentic Chinese recipe. View Recipe »

Tips of the Week

"Peeling the Shell Off an Egg"

[Peeling the Shell Off an Egg]To peel the shell off an egg, first crack the eggshell. Then immerse the egg in a cup of hot water and let it stay for a minute or two. The shell will loosen from the egg. Peel shell. View More Tips »

Hosting Services

We currently have five (5) very talented hosts to serve you. Our pool of hosts are well trained and experienced in the field of hosting and entertainment. Below are the profile of each host. For pricing and arrangements, please contact us.

Name: Michael Torres
Age: 26
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications, De La salle University
Experience: 3 years experience in the field of hosting and entertainment. Prior to hosting, Mike has worked as a dance instructor and ramp model.
Comments: Mike is a fun guy who loves to party and being with people.

Name: J.M. Imperial
Age: 38
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Advertising, University of Sto. Tomas
Experience: This advertising executive works as a part-timer in hosting and now has 2 years experience in hosting and entertainment.
Comments: Besides from his natural talent in hosting, J.M. does hosting for fun and to get new ideas from the experience.

Name: Raymund Fruto
Age: 26
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, University of the Philippines
Experience: This newcomer has certainly made a name for himself in the field of hosting and entertainment. Raymund also works as a stand-up comic.
Comments: There's never a dull moment with this guy. He's sure to leave his audience crying of laughter.

Name: Corazon de Guia
Age: 39
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications, University of Sto. Tomas
Experience: A veteran in the field of hosting and entertainment with 9 years of experience under her belt. She also sings professionally on her spare time.
Comments: Cory is a fun-loving person who loves meeting new people. This multi-talented lady is sure to grab anyone's attention.

Name: Charry Dator
Age: 30
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Tourism, University of the Philippines (Cum Laude)
Experience: Charry is also a newcomer in the field of hosting and entertainment but has already made a reputation for herself. Prior to hosting, she worked as an Administrator for a telecommunications company for 3 years.
Comments: This lady is sure to light-up any occasion with her smart and charming antics.

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Web Design and Development by: Media Carnival

For comments, suggestions, and bug reports, Contact: Webmaster

Last Updated: September 26, 2002

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