[Mazzetis Catering Services]

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Recipe of the Week

"Savory Fried Rice"

[Savoury Fried Rice]Prepare for an Emperor's treat with this easy to cook, great tasting, and authentic Chinese recipe. View Recipe »

Tips of the Week

"Peeling the Shell Off an Egg"

[Peeling the Shell Off an Egg]To peel the shell off an egg, first crack the eggshell. Then immerse the egg in a cup of hot water and let it stay for a minute or two. The shell will loosen from the egg. Peel shell. View More Tips »

[Tips and Techniques]
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Tips of the Week

"Peeling the Shell Off an Egg"

To peel the shell off an egg, first crack the eggshell. Then soak the egg in a cup of water and let it stay for a minute or two. The shell will automatically separate from the egg.

"Making the Body of Shrimps Straight"

To prevent shrimps from curling, before cooking, insert a long wooden toothpick through the center of each shrimp. Remove the toothpick before serving.

"How to judge if a Shrimp is Fresh"

The shrimp should be firm, with shiny gray shells. Avoid shrimp with black spots - a sure sign of aging.

"How to know if the other side of the Pancake is Done"

Observe the top surface of the pancake, if the edges are brown and the top is bubbling then the other side is already done. Turn and cook other side with the same amount of time.

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Web Design and Development by: Media Carnival

For comments, suggestions, and bug reports, Contact: Webmaster

Last Updated: September 26, 2002

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