McHardy/MacHardy of Ordachoy Genealogy
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Home > Sources > 1866 Family Tree File Extracts, page 1

Excerpts (page 1) from

The 1866 Family Tree

Prepared by Charles McHardy About 1866
Transcribed by Anna McHardy of New Zealand, 2000

This source of genealogical data is the family tree prepared about 1866 by Charles McHardy, a relation to the Ordachoyers from the Auchallater connection. His research comes to us through Anna McHardy in New Zealand, who worked through his notes to transcribe it. Though many of his dates and names are correct, it is wise to use his research as a starting point and to verify his data through secondary research; he is not accurate in all instances.

Below are a few of the notes written by Charles on McHardy history and some individuals. For a complete copy of the 1866 file, please contact Anna at