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Monumental Inscriptions


Corgarff Cemetery


Charles McHardy late farmer of Ordochoy died 9th July 1879 aged 73 years. His wife Janet Bowman died 8th May 1873 aged 69. His son James McHardy farmer Ordochoy died 5th October 1902 aged 62 years. Also his daughter Jessie Ann died Ordochoy 1st June 1904 aged 22 years. Also his daughter Margaret died Edinburgh 16th February 1908 aged 21 years. Also James wife Helen Gordon died Ordochoy 27th Jany 1927 aged 75 years, and their son James McHardy Ordochoy died 20th February 1937 aged 56 years, Charles died 19th April 1945 aged 60 years.

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David McHardy died 17th July 1976 aged 83 years. Late of Ordachoy. And his beloved wife Eleanor Law died 20th March 1986 aged 80 years.
[Also son of James and Helen Gordon above.]

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William McHardy Woodside Cottage died 22nd January 1862 aged 58. Also his wife Helen Munro died 10th December 1893 aged 84 years. Their son William died 18th May 1893 aged 57. Their daughters Margaret died 8th March 1921 aged 83 and Elizabeth died 20th May 1933 aged 76.

[If William died in 1893 aged 57, his birth would have been in 1836; however, the OPR records the baptism of William and Helen's William in 1844. The son on this gravestone is more likely to be the illegitimate son born to Charles McHardy in 1834.]

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John McHardy flockmaster husband of Violet Watt died 25th June 1932 aged 44 years. Their son John F/O RAF killed in accident 23rd November 1944 aged 21. Interred at Kolar, Myser India. Violet Watt died 6th February 1973 aged 77 years.
[John, better known as Jack, was reinterred at a later date in Madras War Cemetery, Chennai, India.]

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Allenvale Cemetery (Thanks to Andrew J. McHardy for both)

  Northern Section, middle part
Erected by Alexander Brown in memory of his wife Margaret McHardy who departed this life 28/09/1884, interred in Corgarff churchyard, also his daughter Jane Elizabeth who died 8/05/1932, also the above Alexander Brown who died 31st May 1933 aged 87 years.

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  Southern Section

In loving memory of Charles McHardy died 01/04/1915 aged 67 years, and his wife Janet Mackie died 03/09/1931 aged 80 years, also their son Charles died 10/12/1942 aged 66 years, and his wife Elizabeth M. Horne died 10/10/1953 aged 77 years.

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Nigg Parish Churchyard (Thanks to Andrew J. McHardy)

  Newer Part

In memory of Ann Wallace wife of William ... spirit merchant Newhaven who died at Charleston Nigg 2/03/1927 aged 78. James McHardy son of William and Annie McHardy killed in action 30/08/1944 aged 21 ever remembered, also the above William McHardy died 14th September 1957 aged 68, and the above Annie McHardy died 26/03/1960 aged 80.

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Inverurie Cemetery


In loving memory of James McHardy died 12th August 1992 aged 68 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth who died November 2000.

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Crathie Cemetery


Here lies the body of the deceased William Bowman who died in the year 1807 aged 68 also his son John Bowman gamekeeper Ballochbuie died 18 May 1866 in 98th year and Margaret McHardy his wife died 15 Apr 1839 aged 58. Their son Alexander died in 1814 aged 12, James died 9 Sept 1885 aged 71.

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Sacred to the memory of Jane Bowman Ballochbuie died 23 Mar 1873 aged 56 after a long and painful affliction borne with patience and Christian resignation.

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Sacred to the memory of Amelia Bowman died 13 June 1891 aged 69, Marjory Bowman died 22 June 1891 aged 72, Mary Bowman died 23 Mar 1894 aged 84, Catherine Bowman died 13 Mar 1896 aged 71, Elizabeth F. Bowman died 11 Dec 1899 aged 79.

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Erected by James Gordon in loving memory of his parents John Gordon died Clifton Cottage, Braemar 20 June 1891 aged 93, his wife Margaret Bowman died 3 June 1890 aged 80. Above James Cameron Gordon died Craignordie, Crathie 14 September 1924 aged 78. Their daughter Margaret Gordon died Tynabaich, Crathie 28 June 1932 aged 87.

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Kirkton of Auchterhouse Cemetery


Sacred to the memory of Alexander McHardy who died at Scotston 13th May 1861 aged 58 years. Also his wife Janet Stewart who died at Balgersho 3rd May 1890 aged 78 years and is interred at Cupar Angus. Erected by their grandson David Lindsey Thomson.

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