Rock Climbing
around Patras, GREECE

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Last update: 18/11/2005


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Patra, the 3rd largest city of Greece, is located at the north-west coast of Peloponnesos, having a direct ferry connection to Italy. Numerous limestone crags inhabitate the area, from 20 to 700 meters high (Varasova). Some of them are located by the sea while others lay around or even atop the impressive nearby mountains (Chelmos). The diversity in rock color, texture, angle and difficulty is apparent in the area and every climber can find a lovable piece of rock. However I must admit that the most of the great climbing concentrates on the sport routes of the 7th and the 8th grade of the French difficulty scale. Therefore, it is not surprising that Patra, despite the rapid development of Kalymnos, is still the queen of extreme sport climbing in Greece...


    The crags

The best seasons for climbing are Fall and Spring for most of the crags. Below you can see if summer or winter are generally suitable seasons as well. Also what climbing skills (in order of significance) are essential for climbing most (but not necessarily all!) of the routes in every crag:


features Comments


strengthstamina suitable for summersuitable for winter Huge and very steep

Vasiliki (Varasova's)

staminanatural protection also Just by the sea...


strengthstrength  suitable for summer "The temple"


balance - techniquenatural protection also suitable for winter Lovely scenery


staminastamina suitable for winter A Huge Underground Cave


staminastrengthbalance - technique  Classic Overhangs with Tuffas


strengthstamina A small steep Cave


strengthbalance - techniquestaminanatural protection also suitable for winter Next to 4km beach, superb setting


strengthbalance - techniquePeculiar suitable for summer Altitude: 2200m


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Photo Gallery    

 Trying project "PigMaster" (8b+) in Kleisoura; photo by Miltos Zervas

New material is constantly added; so please keep in touch! For any more information don't hesitate to email me! If you have been visited these areas please let me know your impressions. Feedback about route grading will be highly appreciated as well.

Photos from "Divine Trial" 8b+ 

Rock climbing Videos
(currently only from Chatzouri)

Map of the Achaia area with crags
High Quality map (470kB)


Links to Patras Weather Forecasts

Greek and International Climbing Links

Take a tour to the crags: Kleisoura