Chewing, Playing, and Digging
You should give your rabbits things to chew such as their own bit of carpet; aspen, willow, or apple branches; pine firewood; untreated, fresh pine lumber; a basket with hay in it; and compressed alfalfa cubes. Some woods are toxic. These are fruit tree branches such as apricot and peach. These are toxic while attached to the tree but not after they are cut off and dried. They must be dried for a month or more. Keep your purchases of imported baskets limited to willow, as it is the only basket material that is not sprayed with pesticides. If your rabbit swallows carpet, follow it up with a petroleum laxative such as Petromalt or Laxatone. These are sold at pet supply stores such as PETsMART.

You should also give your rabbit items to dig and to play with. Click here for a list of toy suggestions.
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Rabbit Care
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~*Rabbit Care*~

Rabbit Diet and Digestion
Food Chart
Safe Foods
Keeping Your Rabbit Cool
Litter Training
Bunny Baths
To Breed or Not to Breed?
Spaying and Neutering
Carbon Monoxide: The Story of Tabba
Supplies You Will Need
How to Pick Up and Lift A Rabbit

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