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Past RKHU Opening Monologues

Rants are listed from most to least recent and are devided by 3 asterisks.

This page is still in archive status. I just wanted to make a brief update after seeing last night's episode.

Riley came back. I realized that I don't care about the show enough anymore to care. I don't hate him because I don't care. Apathy's fun, eh?

His wife's name is Sam, though. I find a strange personal irony in that. Quite amusing for me, actually. Heh, his hair looks better now too.

Oh and you can still visit my personal site The Lala World.


* * *

I wish I could say "Guess what! I have lots of times for updates now so look for lots and lots!" But the truth is that, if anything, I have even less time than before. I'm just avoiding calculus right now (it's the devil, *shudder*).

However, if anyone is interested, I finished up my personal page The Lala World over the summer and I invite you all to visit it! It's layout is nicer and the content is greater. Also, a new fic of mine, Incomplete, which takes place after Flooded and Carpem Noctem (sp?), is up there. So go ahead! Visit :)

About this page's status. Right now, I'm thinking of keeping it open as an archive-type thing. In other words, it's here but it's not being updated. However, if anyone out there would like to volunteer their time to producing content and helping out with updates, then things will be different. Send offers to with the subject line of "I can help!"

Thank you.

* * *

Um, still really busy, so no huge updates happening in the future... I'm going away Monday for three weeks, then school starts. We'll see whether or not I can update then..

I will continue to put fan fiction up, however, providing that it is sent to me pre-html-ed. Send it as a text attachment or something via email. Otherwise, don't count on seeing your fic up, sorry. This is the best I can do. And PLEASE at the very least spellcheck your fics? Thanks.

Remember, keep that Riley-and-Kate-hate alive!!

* * *

To begin with, I want to extend my thanks to the many people who have visited or awarded RKHU over the past year and a bit since the site went up.  I have had a lot of fun with this web page and have learned a lot about HTML and graphics since creating it.  In fact, most of my learning was done for the sole purpose of improving this page.

However, Riley is gone now, I doubt he's coming back.  (More on that below.)  Kate is rarely seen.  It's just not enough to work with anymore.  I've asked for suggestions and ideas, but no one seems to have them.  Or perhaps everyone is just too busy to email them.  That's not really the point...

What I've taken longer than necessary to say is that I'm sorry that I haven't updated the site in quite a while.  Almost a month if you would like to get technical.  However, you can expect the same length, possibly longer, between updates from now on.  For the reasons I've stated above, as well as personal ones such as lack of time and a growing disinterest in the shows.

For the last two reasons, I've changed my mind about making the second Buffy/Angel, Faith/Spike page.  I'm sorry, but I just do not have the time.  I had trouble with the different servers I tried, had trouble getting time, and had trouble getting interested.  So even though I have the entire layout drawn up and billions of graphics for it made, for now the site remains but an idea.  Maybe in the future I will have a chance to create it.  Maybe not.  Again, my apologies to those that were looking forward to it.  And I feel very guilty for breaking a promise, that's a rarity for me, but...well, looks like I did, doesn't it?

Now, some things that I have been meaning to comment on for some time now.  Let's start with Vamp Fest 2000, shall we?

A while back, the Lockley formerly known as "detective" received her first vampire bite.  If you see her, please congratulate her on this new accomplishment for me, all right?

Oh, and let's not forget that in the corresponding episode Riley, too, began the journey of vampire exploration.  Of course, his little trip took him a little farther...Meaning that he didn't stop after the first bite.  In fact, he chose to be bitten.  Hell, he even paid for the so-called privilege (okay, so they didn't actually call it that, but you know what I mean) of having a vampire feed off of him.  Why?  Well, poor wittle wiley had his wittle feewings hurt when mean ol' Buffy didn't go out of her way to make him feel manly when coping with her mother's illness.  I mean, really.  How dare she??

Nope, I'm not too sarcastic.

Anyhoo, the fun didn't stop there!  Though we haven't (to my recollection) seen Kate since, Riley got his fair share of blood suckage.  Yeah, nothing makes you feel needed like paying a vampire to suck the life out of you.  I always knew that fish had problems...

Oh, and this brings us to the good stuff.  Finally, on December...19th, was it?  Well, that's not really important.  The fact of the matter is that on whatever day Into the Woods aired, a monumental event occurred.  That which we have hoped and begged for ever since the big cheese himself stepped onto the screen - Mr. Iowa left.

::patiently waits for screaming, whistling and cheering to calm down::

As I was saying...he's gone.  Finito.  We're never going to see him again.  Yay!

Unfortunately, Joss felt the need to have him leave with a "bang".  (If you could see me right now, I'd be making tiny air quotes as well as a disgusted face.)

After Buffy finds out about his vamp fun and gets angry at him, he gives her the whole ultimatum "give me a reason to stay even though you're mad at me or I'm gone" type of deal.  Which is a really jerky thing to do, IMO, because he should have had to grovel.  You don't do that to a girl and then suddenly everything is okay again.  It just doesn't work that way.

Of course, it didn't.  Thank Joss.

Buffy was perfectly willing to stand idle while Riley left.  Perfectly willing.  But no, couldn't have that.  Oh no, Xander had to change all of that, didn't he?  And what better way - or rather, more annoying way - to do it than to make some stupid speech about how *special* Finn is.  (Yeah, he's special all right.  So special, in fact, that he gets his very own ward at the asylum!  Of course, that's because even the worst of us lunatics won't go near him...oh, did I say "us" by accident?  Whoops...)  Needless to say, Buffy was swayed and she chased after Riley, calling pathetically after him while the helicopter rode away.

Oh, and need I say anything about Buffy's pitiful sobbing displays in Triangles?  I mean, if she's going to cry, fine.  But bursting so randomly?  And looking so very fake while at it?  I didn't feel sad...I was giggling, actually.  But maybe that's just me.

::sigh::  I guess a cold and bloody exit was too much to ask for.  That's okay though, he's gone.  And that's all that really matters.

I'd like to ask you all to keep your Riley-hate alive though.  There are still many Haters who live in countries that are presently airing season four, so while we are now in the post-Riley-departure episodes, they are still stuck with Captain McFarm and they may need our support.

Besides, Riley-Hate is just plain fun.  *beg*

* * *

Well, as of September 26th, the new seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series have officially commenced. If you haven't seen the premiers and don't like to be spoiled, I'd like to suggest that you not read anymore of this. =)

First of all, I just want to say that I loved the Angel premier much more than the Buffy one. And there was no Kate! That made me an awfully happy girl. IMO, "Judgment" was put together incredibly with a nice solid plot that started the season off with a bang! (Plus it's always great to be able to see David Boreanaz sing! *bg*)

I didn't enjoy "Buffy vs. Dracula" quite as much. I thought that using Dracula was a tired idea and that dispatching him in a single episode didn't really do him justice. Not to mention the cheesy special effects and music. I'm starting to think that Riley's not the only one who loves cheese...

I was surprised that they actually seemed to give him a personality in this episode! However, I didn't really like the one they gave him. Some of it was cute, like when he was teasing Giles. But I'm very upset over the way that lilac fish baby treated my Spike! I really hope that Joss takes that chip out of his head soon because it is not fair that he be helpless and unable to stand up to even a pansy like Riley!

The episode gets bonus points for Buffy hitting him in the head and knocking him over with the football. Also for not having any fish sex.

Overall though, I'm curious to see what will happen in the new seasons and hopefully we'll get Riley gone just like we wanted and as little Kate (especially flirting) as possible!!!

Now, for those of you who actually care about the new site I'm putting together (the Buffy/Angel, Faith/Spike one), I've been really busy lately and haven't had much time to work on it. (One of the reasons this site has suffered...) But I promise that I will have both sites back to normal by the end of the year.

I still haven't gotten my 5MB's. If I had the time I'd move the site... So any major things may just have to wait a while.

I'd also like to request that you please send me all of your suggestions for the site. Is there anything that you'd like me to add or change or anything of that sort, please e-mail me. I'm kind of hitting a block with what to add in terms of content at the moment so anything and everything is appreciated. I'll do my best!

And those of you who requested Riley's blood will be getting it soon, I promise. Buffymail has just been messing around with me so it may take me a little longer than I intended =(. I'm going to try again tomorrow (for the fifth time...)! Thanks for your patience

Wow!! Would you believe I don't actually have a topic to rant about this time? That's pretty rare... It probably has something to do with it being rerun season.

So I'm just going to babble! I just want to state right now that fan fiction is the only thing that helped me keep my sanity throughout the entire ordeal known as "Fourth Season Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

But Riley has left for the summer, letting my mind rest peacefully in the knowledge that the hiatus wasn't spent in mindless screwage. Okay, okay, so I haven't been thinking about BtVS that much. Actually, hardly at all would be a more fitting term. But that's not the point!

And I've also heard some good news! I'd share it, but not everyone likes spoilers. I think it may be on the hate board, however, so if you must know, look there. I will tell you that it's about Riley Finn and, if true, it's definitely good news!

I don't think I have all that much to say about her, either, truthfully. I did enjoy the first season of Angel the Series a great deal more though. Perhaps because Kate had less screentime? ::grin::

Oh well, here's hoping that the next seasons are better than this year's! (Of course, with Angel that's going to be considerably harder than it will be for Buffy).

All in all, I'm looking forward to next season! ...And more Riley bashing =)

* * *

Anyway, it's over. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Four, and Angel the Series, Season One, have both aired their finales. It's been an interesting year...

Let's see. On Buffy, we had the 'amazing' non-plot of the Initiative. Oh, and lots of Buffy/Riley sex. We mustn’t forget that! Especially when we consider that it made up about half of the airtime...

Well, we can take some solace in the fact that he's left for the summer, back to farm country. Yee-ha! (If you haven't seen the finale, that probably won't make as much sense to you.) Oh, and lucky Riley will get to see his forbidden love, Bessie, once again! Though I wonder how she'll react when she discovers that he's been cheating on her...

Bessie: "Moo! Buffy?! What kind of a name is Buffy? I don't believe this!"
Riley: "Wait a minute, Bessie, honey! She was only a replacement for you, I swear it! You know I'd never hurt you on purpose... I love you."
Bessie: "Oh, Moo! I love you too, Riley!"

And then, they could become involved in practices that are pretty much forbidden by the SPCA... And on our beloved spin-off, we got to learn all the different angles of the common bitch. Wasn't that fun? Please note my sarcasm. You see, usually when I use the word "bitch", it's actually meant as a compliment! I'm sure many people have already seen the acronyms using "bitch" so I won't bore you with them.

With Kate, however, I no longer mean it that way. At first, her blunt cracks, especially when fired at criminals or Wolfram&Hart lawyers (kind of the same thing though, huh?) were entertaining. But her scathing taunts to Angel, who hasn't done a single thing but help her all season, are anything but. They're uncalled for and downright rude. I'm glad Angel has decided to make her an enemy.

I'd like to ask that fans of Riley and/or Kate go visit their favourite search engine, type in their charactar's name, and go crazy. Please, don't try to pick a fight with me or my site. That just...annoys me. It also would show that you've got nothing better to do and I'd hate to think that of you.

Riley and Kate hater? Then you'll be fine and hopefully you'll enjoy the site!

Riley and Kate Haters Unite!