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           Karate can be traced back to Okinawa.  During the govern of Okinawan King Shohashi in 1429, he unified the islands of Okinawa and banned all use of weapons.  This prohibition gave the populace great impetus to practice unarmed combat (Okinawan-te) for self-defence.  In 1609, the Japanese warlord Shimazu conquered the Okinawan Islands.  As a consequence of the Okinawans refusing to help Shimazu, the use of weapons was banned again.  During this era, the art of unarmed fighting evolved and many farming tools (Nunchakus, Tonfa, Sai) were converted into weapons.


            Shitoryu Karate is one of the four major Karate styles (Shotokan, Goju Ryu, Wado Ryu, Shitoryu) recognised by the World Karate Federation.  The founder, Kenwa Mabuni (1893-1957) blended Shuri-te and Naha-te to form his new style.  The name, Shito, was drawn from different readings of the names of his two teachers – Ankoh Itosu(Shi) and Kanryo Higashionna(to).