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This page is gonna have all of the astrological signs and characteristics.  This isnt really meant to be taken seriously, but I've always just liked to read this kinda stuff just for fun.

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November 23d - December 21st
Ruling planet: Jupiter
element: fire
colors: dark blue, purple
symbol: archer

Sagittarians are positive people; they have a bright outlook on life, are enterprising, full of energy and vitality. Versatile, adventurous and eager to expand their range beyond the comfortable and familiar. They enjoy travel and exploring, and their minds are continually searching for new experiences. They are ambitious, optimistic folk, and nothing seems to get them down. They are idealists, and this seems to keep them going even when life disappointments crop up and smash their plans. "To keep on, keepin' on" is a Sagittarian way of life. They have a tendency to get over zealous when they are interested in something. They are believers, and what they believe in, they are willing to fight for. They are both loyal and independent at the same time. They manage to balance both traits
In friendship they are reliable, and can be counted on. However, they have a quick temper and a biting tongue, often speaking before giving forethought to the full effect of their words. Their rage may pass quickly, but the stinging of their comments often remains. On the other hand, they are quick to forgive an affront and extremely dependable to a friend or family member who needs looking after.

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March 21 - April 20
Ruling Planet: Mars
element: fire
color: red
Symbol: Ram

Personal traits of an Aries person are openness, enthusiasm and individualism. They are outspoken, alert, quick to act and speak. They prefer to speak than listen. Arians are ambitious, with lots of drive and a strong desire to lead. They make poor followers. Fiercely independent, they usually take the side of the underdog in any controversy. They are champions of lost causes and losing battles. This trait is due to a strong belief in their own abilities to turn any situation around.
Aries have a strong self image, the ability to think fast and size up most situations in an instant. Arians calculate risks with lightning speed and make decisions accordingly. An adage that fits the Arian well is 'A straight line is the shortest distance between two points'. Arians don't waste time and energy beating around the bush, they come straight to the point, and leave the bodies where they fall.

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April 21 - May 21
Ruling plantes: Venus
element: earth
colors: light blue, pink
Symbol: the bull

Taurean people tend to be slow, methodical, practical and reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline, they are inclined to stick to tried and traditional methods. Their greatest satisfaction derives from results produced directly by their personal efforts.
Taureans are warm, loving, gentle and charming most of the time. Motivated by self preservation, the Taurean is not a risk taker and weighs every decision carefully, in a slow and methodical manner. To more impulsive people, Taurus is a bore. Opinionated, stubborn, once a Taurean makes a decision, it is written in stone. Don't expect original thinking and new ideas here. Basically physical people, they prefer the known to the unknown, the tried to the new. They love the earth, possessions, and generally treat those they love as possessions.

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May 22 - June 21
ruling planet: Mercury
element: air
colors: yellow, rainbow
Symbol: the twins

Being the most versatile and changeable of the signs, Geminis are seldom what they seem to be. Chameleon like, they will take a stand, voice an opinion, decide on an option then completely change their mind tomorrow. Nothing is ever written in stone by Gemini. They are truly a free soul, driven by curiosity and a desire to know and do. They usually have several things going at once, and within such chaos, they thrive.
Geminis are bright, witty, entertaining and rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task. There are just too many things to do and know, and so many new people to meet. They prefer to skim the surface of many things, then to get deeply involved in one interest. If they do become drawn into something, they always feel they are missing out. It will always be what they aren't doing, or don't have, or the people they haven't met that intrigue them the most.

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June 22- july 22
ruling planet: the moon
element: water
colors: grays and greens
symbol: the crab

Appearing formidable and thick-skinned, Cancerian's have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. This is the facade they use to mask an insecure nature. Their intimates, however, may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to other people, especially those they love. Cancer is a tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd and intuitive type. Sometimes wise, with a philosophical view on life. They are able to identify with others because of the keen sensitivity of their nature. They are over-imaginative and prone to be a victim of fantasy. They have a flair for the dramatic, and may possess literary or artistic talent. They tend to absorb their environment and have a talent for mimicry.
In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one side, and tenaciously possessive and loyal on the other side. Even when they have affairs, their first loyalty is to their partner and family.

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July 23 - August 22
element: fire
colors: gold, orange
Symbol: The lion

Leos are proud people, with an idealistic and humane nature. They are basically outgoing, happy, kind and generous. Self expressive, intelligent and broad minded, they are philosophically inclined. They tend to be stubborn, and will hold onto a belief, or stick to a course of action through thick or thin. They are direct and to the point and lead with their emotions. Because of their positive nature, they tend to expect the best, and when things don't turn out as they had expected, they react immediately and badly. Quick tempered, blunt and nasty when they have been affronted, they are deeply hurt by malice or hostility. Although, they may suffer from short bouts of depression when life doesn't meet their expectations, they bounce back quickly and move on with their normal cheerful and demonstrative nature. Leo walks forward always, head held proudly and face turned towards the sun.
In personal relationships, Leo is open, sincere, genuine, trusting and generous. Although outgoing, spontaneous, warm- hearted and straight forward, a tragic flaw in Leo is gullibility. They are too trusting and generous to people they like and love. They are not good judges of character and are inclined to treat those close to them as if they were perfect beings incapable of wrongdoing.

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August 23 - September 22
ruling planet: Mercury
element: earth
colors: navy blue, dark green, brown
Symbol: The Virgin

They are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Their mental bend gives them the ability to analyze and solve the most complicated problems. Virgos have a wonderful eye for detail and often neglect the overall issues. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and have good inventive talents. Hard workers and conscientious, they are perfectionists with little tolerance for shoddy work. There is no place in their world for people who are footloose and fancy free.
Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet, wise and witty, with an understanding of other people's problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They can be name droppers as they like to associate with achievers.

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September 23 - October 23
Ruling planet: Venus
element: air
colors: blue, pink, pale green
Symbol: The scales

The basic Libran nature is diplomatic and charming. Libras have an idealistic and generally peace loving nature. They are easygoing and sociable, in general. On the other side of the scale, Librans are known to be indecisive and changeable, gullible and easily affected.
Librans are considered by many astrologers to be among the most civilized of the twelve signs. Often good looking, they exude certain elegance, charm and fine taste. As lovers of beauty and harmony, both in art and life, their nature is gentle and kind. Pleasure oriented people, Libras are intuitive and very aware of the power of image.

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October 24 - November 22
ruling planets: mars&Pluto
element: water
colors: Maroon, dark red
Symbol: eagle, scorpian

Scorpio imagination and intuition are excellent. They possess refined critical perception and strong analytical ability. In addition, they seem to demonstrate a natural healing power. These abundant gifts allow Scorpions to penetrate the most profound subjects. They are serious folk, but quite charming to people they like, and when social events call for it. Their tragic flaw is their immense pride. Once wronged, once Scorpio's pride has been diminished, the game of courtesy is over.
Their sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, quick to feel insult or injury, even when none is intended, and easily roused to heights of anger. An angry Scorpio is a sight to see. Unlike Leo, who can have a temper tantrum and five minutes later be quite himself again, Scorpio seethes, and doesn't give it up.

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December 22 - January 20
ruling planet: Saturn
element: earth
Colors: Dark Brown, gray, black
Symbol: Goat

The Capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a wry sense of humor. Independent, steady as a rock, Capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever to vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strong willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof, shrewd, practical, responsible and persevering. They are capable of great endurance; a whatever it takes, for as long as it takes persistence. Reliable in any profession they undertake, but lacking in originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.
Within prescribed areas, Capricorn is a resourceful, practical manager. These folks set high standards for themselves and others. They are self critical, and work well in a disciplined environment, demanding equal measure from their subordinates. A careful, ambitious planner, Capricorn moves forward with quiet, deliberate persistence. They can be frugal, possessing the ability to achieve results with minimum effort and expense. Highly organized, they excel in managing several projects simultaneously.

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January 21 - February 19
Ruling planet: Uranus
element: air
colors: electric blue, turqoise
symbol: water bearer

Regardless of type, Aquarius is truly a humane, human being. Known to be frank and outspoken, a 'on my mind, on my mouth' type, Aquarius makes for a serious and genial companion. Refined and idealistic, romantic but practical, they are personable and likable people. Quick in mind and quick to respond, Aquarians love activity and are quite reasonable, though difficult to get close to. They cherish and guard their independence, and are a strange mixture of caring concern and cool detachment. They will go out of their way to help when needed, but never get involved emotionally.
Aquarians are usually intelligent, cool, clear, logical people. They have good imaginations and are quite intuitive. Aquarius is drawn to and inspired by great causes. In the midst of such a crusade they can be so completely devoted, that they drive themselves to the edge of complete exhaustion. This trait can be disheartening to those near and dear, for they get caught up with a cause in a way they never would with another person.

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February 22 - March 20
ruling planet: Neptune
element: water
color: sea green
Symbol: Two fish

Pisces adapts to their surroundings, good or bad. They are generous, friendly, good natured people with a true sense of kindness and compassion. They are sensitive to everything around them including the feelings of others. They are popular folk because of their easygoing and likable manner, which tends to mirror people they are with. They have an uncanny sense of perceiving what a person is in need of, and delivering it. They are not initiators, but rather allow circumstances and events to motivate them, and then they respond. In this aspect, they tend to focus on other peoples problems rather than their own.
Pisceans are not practical people. They are too ephemeral for normal day to day living in the 9-5 "practical" world. They are sensitive and instinctual rather than intellectual or mechanical. They lack decisiveness and are easily diverted from their purposes. They are apt to live a shiftless sort of life, searching for some career or meaning in which to pour themselves. They discourage easily, and can become despondent, feel unappreciated and move on to something or someone else.

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Symbols for the atrological signs

Aries:           Taurus:            Gemini:          Cancer:           Leo:           Virgo:

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Libra:           Scorpio:             Sagittarius:        Capricorn:   

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**I couldnt get the Picses sign to show up or the aquarias sign, but i'll keep tryin**