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An Urban Legend is a short tale that is told and retold as true, although it usually has little or no basis in reality or can't be confirmed one way or another. Whether we know it or not we've all heard them, usually as something that happened to a "friend of a friend".

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The Baby Sitter's Phone Call

The babysitter had just put the children to bed and settled down to watch TV when the phone rang. It was a heavy breather, a really creepy heavy breather. She hung the phone up immediately and hoped it wouldn't happen again. But five minutes later the phone rang, and it's the heavy breather laughing. She hangs up but it rings again. This time the caller says in a hoarse and menacing voice, "Aren't you going to check on the children?"

The babysitter freaks out and calls the operator, who tells her to keep the caller on the line the next time so they can trace the call. So the babysitter does just what she was told to do. And the operator calls back and says, "Get out of the house!! Get out of the house!! Get the children and get out of the house!!  The call is coming from a different phone line in the house!"

The girl runs to get the children but they are lying in pools of blood. Their throats had been slit. The babysitter jumps out a window and runs to safety.

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Welcome To Death

Remember the good old days when a night of anonymous sex would conclude with a bashful breakfast the next morning, with waiters snickering at bedhead and lipstick stains?   Well, this next legend makes an uncomfortable breakfast with a stranger you've just had sex with seem like an episode of "Leave It To Beaver."

A young Romeo goes to a hopping singles bar. After a couple of drinks a seductively dressed woman with long hair and sparkling eyes asks him to dance. He accepts, and they spend the better part of an hour dancing like mad, sweating and clinging to each other. He asks her if she would like a drink and she suggests that they have a drink at his place.

Once again, our lothario jumps at the chance. They hop in a cab and wind up at his apartment. A night of passion ensues and the young man sleeps in a state of satisfaction and surprise. In short, he got lucky.

He wakes up and turns over in the bed to greet his unfamiliar yet intimately known guest. She is not next to him. He goes out to the kitchen, she's not there. Her clothes are no longer strewn about his bedroom. Although he is disappointed, he is also a bit relieved. After all, he doesn't want a relationship either. He decides to take a shower and get himself a nice big breakfast to celebrate. He walks into the bathroom.

There, scrawled on the mirror in red lipstick is the phrase, "Welcome to the World of AIDS!"

According to the legend, the woman is traveling from singles bar to singles bar to avenge herself on the unfaithful lover who infected her with HIV.

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Pop Rocks

A kid ate 6 bags of pop rocks at a party. He then proceeded to drink a 6-pack of Pepsi. The two substances combined in his stomach and exploded, killing him horribly. That's why pop rocks were taken off the market in the early eighties.

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The Vanashing Hitchhiker

A dozen miles outside of Baltimore, the main road from New York (Route Number One) is crossed by another important highway. It is a dangerous intersection, and there is talk of building and underpass for the east-west road. To date, however, the plans exist only on paper.

 Dr. Eckersall was driving home from a country-club dance late one Saturday night. He slowed up for the intersection, and was surprised to see a lovely  young girl, dressed in the sheerest of evening gowns, beckoning him for a lift. He jammed on his brakes, and motioned her to climb into the back seat of his roadster. "All cluttered up with golf clubs and bags up here in front," he  explained. "But what on earth is a youngster like you doing out here all alone at this time of night?"

 "It's too long a story to tell you now," said the girl. Her voice was sweet and somewhat shrill -- like the tinkling of sleigh bells. "Please, please take me home. I'll explain everything there. The address is ___ North Charles Street. I do hope it's not too far out of your way."

 The doctor grunted, and set the car in motion. He drove rapidly to the address she had given him, and as he pulled up before the shuttered house, he said, "Here we are." Then he turned around. The back seat was empty!

 "What the devil?" the doctor muttered to himself. The girl couldn't possibly have fallen from the car. Nor could she simply have vanished. He rang insistently on the house bell, confused as he had never been in his life before. At long last the door opened. A gray-haired, very tired-looking man peered out at him.

 "I can't tell you what an amazing thing has happened," began the doctor. "A young girl gave me this address a while back. I drove her here and . . ."

 "Yes, yes, I know," said the man wearily. "This has happened several other Saturday evenings in the past month. That young girl, sir, was my daughter. She was killed in an automobile accident at that intersection where you saw her almost two years ago . . ."

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Drip ... Drip ... Drip

There was once this girl who's parents had a party to attend. She knew they would not be back until late, and she really hated the dark. So she decided to go to bed early so that she wouldn't have to be all alone in the dark for very long. She got into bed and felt that something wasn't right. So she put her hand under her bed to feel her dog. He always slept under her bed. The dog licked her hand and, satisfied, she went to bed.

She awoke during the night and heard a drip, drip, drip. She thought she had left the faucet on a touch so she went to the bathroom to turn it off. The sink was bone dry, so she just went back to bed. She put her hand under her bed to feel her dog lick her hand, then she fell asleep.

A while later she woke up again and heard drip, drip, drip. Scared, she went into the bathroom to see if the shower was on. As she opened the shower curtain, she saw her dead dog...hanging there...the blood dripping from it's gutted body. Screaming, it dawned on her "who was licking me????" She turned around and saw the bathroom mirror. On it written in blood, was:


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Kidney Heist

A girl picks up a guy at a bar and takes him home. One drink and he's out. A few hours later when he comes to, he finds himself in a bathtub full of ice. When he gets up he notices he has something written on his chest. In his own blood it says 'Dial 911. Your kidneys have been removed.'

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Attempted Mall Murder

Ethel had been having the time of her life in the mall. How she loved all the shops! Things for sale! Whoopee! Alas, it was time for her to return home to make George's dinner, meatloaf and beets. She made her way out to the parking lot...

As she approached her Continental, she saw a clean cut young man holding a briefcase standing next to her gleaming gas guzzler. "Is this your car, ma'am?" he politely asked. She told him it was indeed, didn't the license plate say Ethel and wasn't that her name?
The young man laughed and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you but I have been standing at your car for a good while. I chased away some young men trying to break into it and I wanted to make sure they didn't come back." Ethel gasped and put her hand up to her mouth. She regained her composure and thanked the young man profusely. Shifting her gigantic yellow purse over her shoulder, she made her way around the car and got into the driver's seat.
Then the young man haltingly asked, "I missed my bus whilst waiting for you think you could give me a ride? My girlfriend is waiting for me at the bus station." Ethel thought that it would be un-American to strand this poor boy who had done her such a great service. So he threw his bag onto the rear seat and sat in the passengerseat.

Suddenly, realizing she has a total stranger sitting next to her, Ethel felt unnerved. "What a mistake," she thought. "He could be anybody!" She batted her fake eyelashes at him and asked if he would be so kind as to direct her out of the tiny parking space. So he got out of the car and stands at the rear and guided her out of the space. As she pulled out she suddenly accelerated away and leaves him standing in the parking lot.

She drove home as quickly as she can and only upon unloading the car realises his bag is still on the rear seat. She looked into the bag and found a rope, some handcuffs and a mask! And worst of all, a loaded gun!

Ethel made George's meatloaf and beets knowing she was lucky to be alive...

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High Beams

Sara had to drive home late from a school function one night. She hopped in her car, and sped off towards her house. As she was leaving the parking lot, she noticed a red pick-up truck follow her out. A few minutes later, the truck was still behind her. "I guess we're just heading the same direction," Sara thought. But she began watching the truck in her rearview mirror. She began noticing that when she sped up, the truck sped up. When she passed a car, the truck did too. Then the truck turned on its high beams, spilling light into Sara's car. He left them on for almost a minute. "He probably just wants to pass me," Sara thought. But she was becoming more nervous with each passing second. Now she usually took a back road home, and not too many people went that way. But when she turned onto the street, the truck turned too. "I've got to get away from this person!" she thought frantically. Then the truck turned its high beams on again. After a minute, he turned them off. Then he turned them on again, and then off. Sara started driving even faster, but the truck stayed right behind her. Then it turned its high beams on again. "Why is this truck doing this?" Sara wondered. Then the truck turned its high beams off again. But a minute later, they were back on. Sara finally made it to her house. She pulled into her driveway, and the truck pulled in behind her. She lept from her car and ran inside the house, screaming for her father to call the police. Out in the driveway she could see the driver of the truck. It was a tall, lanky man, and he had a gun in his hands. When the police arrived a few minutes later, he pointed to the girl's car. "You don't want me," he said. "You want the guy in there." Crouched behind the drivers seat was a man with a knife. The truck driver had seen the man slip into Sara's car, but she'd driven off before he could call the police. So he followed her car, flashing his high beams whenever the man tried to stab her. Whenever he shown his lights, the killer dropped back down, afraid someone would see him.

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