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Mystery Lyrics






Mystery Lyrics
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~Down below, I will have 7 mystery lyrics, you have to guess what band or person sings that particular song. It would also be good if you knew the name of the song, but if u dont, thats cool. U have to atleast get 6 out of the 7 right to win the award .... GOOD LUCK!!~
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1. "Come on over, come on over baby ... Come on over, listen to me, all I
     want is you....."

2.  "Would it be wrong, would it be right, if I took my life tonight,   
       chances are that I might...."

3. "I never conquered, rarley came. 16 just held such better days. Days
     when I still felt alive......"

4. "If I go crazy, will you still call me superman. If I'm alive and well
     will you be there holding my hand ......."

5. "Responsibility, whats that? Responsibility, not quite yet.
      responsibility, whats that? I dont wanna think about it ....."

6. "....And the Southern Girls with the way they talk, They knock me
     out when I'm down there ..."

7. ...Everyone knows her name, Wanna take a picture and the flash
    it came....I wish, wish on a falling star, and wondering where you are.


Mystery Lyric form

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Name the mystery lyrics below. Number them so I know which one is which. Thanks! Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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